
Speeches and Presentations

Natural Resources Policy Update Presentation NELP (PDF)

By Peter Boice presented at the 2012 Navy Environmental Leadership Symposium.

Natural Resources Policy Update Presentation 2012 (PPTX)

By Peter Boice at the 2012 NMFWA Conference, March 12-16, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Natural Resources Policy Update Presentation 2012 - with Notes (PDF)

By Peter Boice at the 2012 NMFWA Conference, March 12-16, in Atlanta, Georgia - with notes.

NMFWA 2012 DoD Policy Session - Improving ESA Implementation (USFWS) (PDF)

By Gary Frazer, Assistant Director, Endangered Species, USFWS. Presented at the 2012 NMFWA Conference.

NMFWA 2012 DoD Policy Session - Leatherback Turtle Critical Habitat and Major Coral Reef Regions of the World (NOAA) (PDF)

By Jim Lecky, Director of Protected Resources, NOAA Fisheries. Presented at the 2012 NMFWA Conference.

Natural Resources Policy Update Presentation 2011 (PDF)

By Peter Boice at the 2011 NMFWA Meeting, March 14-19, Kansas City, Missouri.

Natural Resources Policy Update Presentation 2011 - with Notes (PPTX)

By Peter Boice at the March 2011 NMFWA Meeting, Notes Included.

Current Conservation Issues in DoD Presentation (PPT)

by Peter Boice at the NMFWA, March 2002


Conserving the DoDs Natural and Cultural Resources:  Recent Advances, New Challenges (PDF)

by L. Peter Boice, Winter 1999


Sikes Act Testimony, Mr. Raymond F. DuBois, Jr. to the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans of the House Resources Committee - April 10, 2003 (PDF)

Past Workshops and Conferences

State-wide Conservation Forum to Facilitate Cooperative Conservation (Legacy 06-331) (PDF)

March 2007.  This report details the conservation forum held on December 14, 2006 at the Pocahontas State Park in Chester, Virginia. The purpose was to launch regional conservation partnerships in support of the Governors land conservation initiative and military compatible land use and conservation buffers addressing both land protection and restoration. At the forums conclusion, commitments were made by the forum attendees for three follow-on regional forums to explore specific conservation partnerships in the Northern Virginia area that includes Fort A.P. Hill, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren, and Marine Corps Base Quantico; the south-central region that includes Fort Pickett; and the Tidewater region that includes Fort Eustis, Fort Story, Langley Air Force Base, and the Oceana Naval Air Station.

Southwest State Wildlife Action Plan and Integrated National Resources Management Plan Workshop (PDF)

This document summarizes information from the State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs) and INRMPs Workshop held in Phoenix, AZ, December 7-8, 2006. The purpose of the workshop was to bring State, Military, and USFWS personnel together to integrate SWAPs and INRMPs by identifying common problems and common goals for the region.

State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) and INRMP Workshop Summary, Atlanta, GA, May 9-10, 2006 (PDF)

This document summarizes information from the State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs) and INRMPs Workshop held in Atlanta GA on May 9th  and  10th 2006. The purpose of the workshop was to bring state, military, and USFWS personnel together to integrate SWAPs and INRMPs by identifying common problems and common goals for the region. Includes state information forms (templates) from GA, FL, NC and SC.


DoD Pacific Islands Region Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species Workshop Proceedings (Legacy 06-298) (PDF)

These proceedings detail the DoDs Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), and Legacy Resource Management Program (Legacy)-sponsored workshop held on 6-8 June 2006 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The specific objectives were to: 1) identify and prioritize TER-S management needs among the Pacific Region Islands; 2) examine the current state of practice within DoD for TER-S management; 3) identify the gaps in knowledge, technology, and management; and 4) prioritize investment opportunities to address these gaps. To achieve these objectives, workshop sponsors and organizers brought together a broad spectrum of discipline experts from the research and management communities, including federal and state agencies, academia, and the non-governmental conservation community. This proceedings document summarizes workshop discussions and identifies priority information gaps.

Fact Sheet: DoD Pacific Islands Region Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species Workshop Proceedings (Legacy 06-298) (PDF)

April 2007. This fact sheet summarizes the Pacific Islands TER-S workshop held in Honolulu HI in 2006, what was achieved and who to contact for additional information.

Proceedings from the Symposium  and  Workshop on TER-S on DoD and Adjacent Lands - September 2005 (Legacy 05-242) (DOC)

TES Workshop 2

Case Study #1: Red Cockaded Woodpeckers - Debbie Fuller, FWS (PPT)

Case Study #2: Fort Leonard Wood - Russ Romme, BHE Environ (PPT)

Case Study #3: SURTASS/Acoustics - Craig Johnson, NMFS (PPT)

Emerging T and E Issues - Peter Boice (PPT)

Pitfalls to Avoid/Lessons to Learn - Tom Egeland (PPT)

Section 315 - Incidental Taking of Migratory Birds During Military Readiness Activities (PDF)

Sections 2811 and 2812 (PDF)

SMR Conference Posters

Invasive Species Management at DoD Facilities in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (PDF)

Automated Biodiversity Monitoring in Real Time (PDF)

Mapping the Spread of White-Nose Syndrome (PDF)

The Range Ignition Probability (RIP) Tool (PDF)

The DoD Coordinate Bird Monitoring Plan: Assistance with Bird Monitoring (PDF)

Connectivity among Burrowing Owl Populations on Military Lands Across North America (PDF)

Integrating Mitigation Banking and Trading Into Land Use Planning to Protect Military Training and Testing (PDF)

Quatifying Impacts of Surface Water and Ground Water Depletion on Avian Communities in Desert Riparian Woodlands of the Southwestern U.S. (PDF)

Camp Navajo/Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station, AZ (PDF)

Parametric Alarms Protecting Manatees (PDF)

Protecting Whales While Maintaining Military Readiness (PDF)

Fort Lewis Prairie Restoration (PDF)

National Public Lands Day (PDF)

Leave Wildlife in the Wild (PDF)

Think Locally, Act Neighborly (PDF)

Desert Tortoise Head Start Program, Edwards Air Force Base, California (PDF)

DoD TES Document Repository (PDF)

Central Shortgrass Prairie Species At Risk Conservation Project (PDF)

Strategic Management of Invasive Species in the Soutwest U.S. (PDF)

Relationships Among Prescribed Grassland Management, Vegetative Structure, and Grassland Birds on Military Airfields in the Northeastern U.S. -- Preliminary Results (PDF)

DoD Amphibian Disease Survey: Do Frogs Still Get Their Kicks on Route 66? (PDF)

Department of Defense Legacy Program and Species At-Risk: A DoD-USFWS Partnership Timeline (PDF)

Assessing and Reducing BASH Risk Potential of Migrating Osprey (PDF)

Climate Change, Birds, and Military Readiness on Department of Defense Lands in California (PDF)

POSTER: Trash Just Goes Away, Doesn't It? (Legacy 07-292) (PDF)

This poster discusses how plastic trash and other human debris impacts wildlife. As an example it details the fate of an individual osprey whose migration was being tracked as part of the Legacy project: Assessing BASH risk potential of migrating and breeding Osprey in the Mid-Atlantic Chesapeake Bay Region, Phase II

Last Modified: 25 September 2012 at 09:42