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Disaster Response Exercise and Exchange brings together experts to share knowledge and experience

Story by Staff Sgt. Richard Colletta | U.S. Army, Pacific, Public Affairs Office | Date: 09.25.2012

What would happen if a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit near a major population center causing buildings to collapse with roads blocked by debris, communications systems down all while the power is out, and... Read More

Pacific Resilience DREE a success

Courtesy Story | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Date: 09.18.2012

The third annual Pacific Resilience Disaster Response Exercise and Exchange 2012 held by the U.S. Army Pacific and Bangladesh Armed Forces Division went off without a hitch this week, testing the capabilities of... Read More

Disaster Management experts gather in Bangladesh for third annual 'Pacific Resilience'

Story by Staff Sgt. Richard Colletta | U.S. Army, Pacific, Public Affairs Office | Date: 09.17.2012

The U.S. Army, Pacific (USARPAC) and the Bangladesh Armed Forces Division began their third annual Pacific Resilience Disaster Response Exercise and Exchange Sept. 17, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Read More

MWSS-172, Bangladesh ENCAP progresses

Story by Sgt. Megan Angel | III Marine Expeditionary Force / Marine Corps Installations Pacific | Date: 09.29.2011

For more than three weeks, Marines with Engineer Operations Company, Marine Wing Support Squadron 172, Marine Wing Support Group 17, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, III Marine Expeditionary Force, have been conducting... Read More

Marines begin joint effort in Bangladesh

Story by Sgt. Megan Angel | III Marine Expeditionary Force / Marine Corps Installations Pacific | Date: 09.07.2011

Marines with Marine Wing Support Squadron 172 arrived here Sept. 7 to conduct an engineering civil action project exercise with elements of the Bangladesh armed forces, in coordination with the government of... Read More