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Stay Safe at Work

woman at desk talking on phone

The Basics

Work can put a lot of wear and tear on your body. Back injuries are the most common type of workplace injury.

Make simple changes to prevent injuries and stay healthy:

  • Lift things safely.
  • Arrange your equipment to fit your body.
  • Take short breaks and stretch your muscles.
  • Eat healthy and stay active.
  • Get enough sleep.

Why do I need to take steps to prevent injuries at work?
You can injure your back, shoulders, or neck if you lift or carry heavy objects. You are more likely to get injured if you twist your body when you lift heavy things.

You can hurt yourself at work when you do the same activity over and over again, like typing or working on an assembly line. This type of injury is called a repetitive motion injury. More and more workers are getting repetitive motion injuries.

Take Action!

Follow these tips to stay safe on the job.

Lift things safely.
When you lift something heavy:

  • Bend your legs.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Test the object first. If it’s too heavy, get help.

Get more tips on safer lifting at work [PDF - 67KB].

Prevent repetitive motion injuries.
Sit and stand up straight while you work. Arrange your equipment to fit your body.

Talk with your boss or employer about how to make sure your equipment fits your body.

Take short breaks.
Give your muscles a rest. Take short breaks often and stretch your muscles. Try these stretches at work.

Get enough sleep.
Getting a good night’s sleep every night is important for performing well at work. When you are well rested, you are more likely to make good decisions and avoid getting hurt.

Stay healthy.
A healthy body helps protect you from injuries on the job. To stay in shape, eat healthy and get active.

Aim for 2 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity, like walking fast or raking leaves. Do strengthening activities, like sit-ups or push-ups, 2 days a week.

Learn how to prevent back pain.

Start Today: Small Steps

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Content last updated on: September 27, 2012

National Health Information Center

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