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Go to our new KIDD SAFETY SITE

Hey, Kids!

We hope you will find more good information about safety below.

Try our Brain Busters, a quiz about safety in the home and when playing outdoors!
There may be products in your home that can hurt you! Find out how to help save lives and protect yourself and your family. You can also get a poster about how to prevent injuries!
Like to bike? Check out the links below to find out how you can keep safe while having fun.
Find out more about the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

When getting information, if what you want has this right after it, you need to have something called AdobeTM AcrobatTM reader. If you don't have it, you can get it right off the Internet for free! If you need help in following the instructions, get someone in your family, or a friend or teacher, to help you. Sometimes we will also have the information with no pictures so you don't need Adobe Acrobat -- look for No pictures.

Safety is very serious, but you can have fun and be safe too.
Remember - Be Smart, Be Cool, and Be Safe!

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