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    For Immediate Release: Nov. 17, 2009

    Media Inquiries: Shelly Burgess, 301-796-4651, shelly.burgess@fda.hhs.gov
    Everyday Health Inquiries: Tara Weintraub, 312-240-2861, Tara.Weintraub@edelman.com
    Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA

    FDA and Everyday Health Collaborate to Expand Reach of Consumer Health Information

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Everyday Health Exit Disclaimer today announced a collaboration that will expand the delivery of the agency’s vital consumer health information to the 30 million unique users who visit Everyday Health each month. This joint effort reflects FDA's emphasis on using innovative, technology-based strategies to carry out its mission of protecting and promoting the public health.

    “We are pleased to collaborate with Everyday Health to reach millions more consumers with accurate, science-based information that can help them make decisions about their health,” said Commissioner of Food and Drugs Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D. “This partnership will increase our ability to deliver important and sometimes urgent health information in an effective, consumer-friendly and convenient way.”

    The partnership will initially include:

    • A new online resource at www.EverydayHealth.com/FDA Exit Disclaimer : The new co-branded Web site will feature a variety of health content from FDA. The latest information on food and medical product safety as well as prevention and wellness topics will be featured. In the event of breaking public health information, Everyday Health will also feature special “FDA Alert” modules in select locations throughout the site and network, and in e-mail newsletters.
    • A new FDA/Everyday Health co-branded weekly newsletter: The latest FDA consumer health information will be sent to subscribers in a weekly Everyday Health newsletter  (www.EverydayHealth.com/FDA) Exit Disclaimer The FDA/Everyday Health newsletter will contain “FDA Alerts” as well as up-to-date information on drug safety, cosmetics and skin care products and children’s health products, to name a few.

    “We are excited to partner with FDA on this important initiative and believe it serves as testament to our mission to deliver important health information as it happens. We’re happy to provide our audience with such important safety information,” said Ben Wolin, CEO and co-founder of Everyday Health.

    The complete terms and components of the partnership are described in a Memorandum of Understanding, which was published in the Federal Register (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-27630.pdf)
    An agency policy statement summarizing the criteria and processes for development of such partnerships is available on FDA's Web site at www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ucm126390.htm.


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