Executive Board
Board Discussions
on Vietnam:

May 25, 2012
April 29, 2011
March 16, 2009
October 26, 2007
October 25, 2006

Article IV Staff Reports

Projected % Change
   2012  2013
Real GDP 5.1 5.9
Consumer Prices 8.1 6.2
Source: World Economic Outlook (October 2012)
Please refer to more recent PIN/Staff reports on this country for possible revisions.

Vietnam: Financial Position in the Fund

Transactions with the Fund

Finance Ministry
Ministry of Finance

IMF Resident Representative Office in Vietnam

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Vietnam and the IMF
Updated July 16, 2012

The last Article IV Executive Board Consultation was on May 25, 2012. Listed below are items related to Vietnam, in reverse chronological order (you can also view items by category).

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July 06, 2012 -- Public Information Notice: IMF Executive Board Concludes 2012 Article IV Consultation with Vietnam
Each Public Information Notice contains a background section, a table of selected economic indicators, and an Executive Board assessment.
July 06, 2012 -- Vietnam: Staff Report for the 2012 Article IV Consultation
Series: Country Report No. 12/165
July 01, 2012 -- Environmental Tax Reform: Principles from Theory and Practice to Date
Author/Editor: Heine, Dirk | Norregaard, John | Parry, Ian W.H.
Series: Working Paper No. 12/180
June 08, 2012 -- Mid-Year Consultative Group Meeting for Vietnam
April 21, 2012 -- Transcript of the Asia and Pacific Economic Outlook
December 06, 2011 -- Vietnam--Consultative Group Meeting
September 24, 2011 -- Transcript of a Press Briefing by the IMF Asia Pacific Department
September 23, 2011 -- Statement by the Hon. Nguyen Van Binh, Governor of the IMF for Vietnam
PDF File Size: 366Kb
September 20, 2011 -- Transcript of the World Economic Outlook (WEO) Press Briefing
June 23, 2011 -- Public Information Notice: IMF Executive Board Concludes 2011 Article IV Consultation with Vietnam
Each Public Information Notice contains a background section, a table of selected economic indicators, and an Executive Board assessment.
June 09, 2011 -- Vietnam--Informal Mid-Year Consultative Group Meeting
May 05, 2011 -- IMF Survey: Panel Calls for Greater Asian Role in International System
The world needs an international monetary system that is more efficient, more flexible, and more attuned to the realities of a multipolar global economy, a high-level panel discussion audience hears in Hanoi, Vietnam during the annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank.
April 07, 2011 -- Presentation to the Central Bank Governors of ASEAN,Asean+3 Meetings by Naoyuki Shinohara, IMF Deputy Managing Director
December 06, 2010 -- Vietnam: Consultative Group Meeting for Vietnam
October 27, 2010 -- Transcript of a Press Conference on the International Monetary Fund’s Regional Economic Outlook for Asia and the Pacific
September 08, 2010 -- Public Information Notice: IMF Executive Board Concludes 2010 Article IV Consultation with Vietnam
Each Public Information Notice contains a background section, a table of selected economic indicators, and an Executive Board assessment.
September 08, 2010 -- Vietnam: 2010 Article IV Consultation - Staff Report and Public Information Notice
Series: Country Report No. 10/281
July 01, 2010 -- IMF Survey: Asia: Launching Pad for Tomorrow's Emerging Markets
Following in the footsteps of Asia’s dynamic emerging markets, low-income countries in the region are poised to become tomorrow’s emerging markets. This will help to propel Asia’s global economic leadership as it becomes the world’s largest economic region in about 20 years.
June 08, 2010 -- Vietnam -- Informal Mid-year Consultative Group Meeting
June 01, 2010 -- Vietnam: Bayesian Estimation of Output Gap
Author/Editor: Maliszewski, Wojciech
Series: Working Paper No. 10/149

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