European Partnership Task Force

For those of you with great memories, you'll note my last blog spoke of the European Coalition Task Force.  During our conference last week (17-19 August) we renamed the concept to use the word Partnership rather than Coalition.  Partnership clearly conveys our intent better than coalition.  Hence the European Partnership Task Force or EPTF.
EPTF Conference Logo

EPTF Conference Logo

The EPTF is designed from top to bottom, left to right to embody the concept of Partnership.  That's why we selected the image to the right and the motto, Give Way Together for the conference.  We're all in this together and need to work as a team to make progress.  And that we did during the conference.  I know this spirit will carry forward as we start to implement the EPTF.

We designed the conference to answer the Information Requirements (IR) that support the Mission Analysis phase of EPTF Decision Support Template (DST).  Sounds a like a mouthful, but it's really pretty simple:  the DST gathers the information we need to know to make an informed, effective decision and provides some structure the decision making process.  The EPTF DST has three phases that lead to a successful stand-up.  Each phase has one or more key decisions that support the successful conclusion of the phase.

To answer the IRs, we invited representatives from NATO, DoD, the Joint Staff, our components, CENTCOM, US Forces-Afghanistan, the states in our SPP and the USAR and USNR.   We discussed issues ranging from the requirements in Afghanistan to how to conduct partner train and equip programs and from the right funding sources to getting the right people involved in the processes.

EPTF Conference in Action
EPTF Conference in Action

We clearly had the right people at the conference.  Whether they came Afghanistan, Brussels or elsewhere, they all contributed to answering the IRs and, just as important, engaging in a lot of cross-dialog.  The give and take of of information and ideas was every bit as important as answering the IRs. 

As a result, we answered all of the IRs and developed the Mission Analysis brief that we''ll present to Admiral Stavridis. 

My thanks and compliments to all who put the conference together and attended. 

Give Way Together!
BG Jeff Marshall

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Comments: 1

by jimgregory on August 28, 2009 :

The conference logo brings back memories from "Swamp Phase" of Ranger School! The "Give Way Together" theme is on target and anyone who trudged through the swampy banks of the Yellow River there in the Florida panhandle knows that it took a team effort to make it through.

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