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Tribal Portal turtle logoEducation & Training

Federal Wide Training

This site provides links to EPA training resources for tribes and others on various certification and training programs.


Air Pollution Training Institute
EPA's Air Pollution Training Institute (APTI) provides technical air pollution training to state, tribal, and local air pollution professionals.

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Cross-Environmental Media

National Partnership for Environmental Technology Education (NPETE) Grants Training for Tribes, U.S. Territories, and Insular Areas

The Administrative and Financial Guidance for Assistance Agreements training covers the application and review process, management systems, financial systems, and the closeout process. The training is available in face-to-face, webinar, and web-course formats.

To find out more information about this training, including upcoming training events, please visit www.petetribal.org. You can register for free and view previously recorded webinars, download course materials, enroll in a web-course version of the training, and find out how to register for upcoming training events.

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EPA's National Enforcement Training Institute's Exit Disclaimer online training resource site provides access to NETI course registration, training products, online classrooms, and e-mail updates.

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Environmental Modeling

The Council for Regulatory Environmental Modeling (CREM) has an environmental modeling training program that consists of on-line training, webinars, and classroom training. The CREM training program provides simple and comprehensive resources on best practices and technical aspects of environmental modeling. These training modules are based upon the Guidance Document on the Development, Evaluation, and Application of Environmental Models (99 pp, 1.7 MB, About PDF) released in March 2009. The on-line training consists of eight modules, each taking approximately 45 minutes to complete. Participants should expect to learn (in addition to specific objectives for each module): the best practices for environmental modeling at EPA with case studies; an introduction to technical topics – and resources for further instruction; access to modeling resources at EPA; and definitions of technical modeling terminology.

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Hazardous and Solid Waste

Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES)
This is an on-line database for Brownfields Grantees to electronically submit data directly to EPA. Not all grantees have access to the ACRES system; please contact your Regional Representative with any questions. Also on-line training for state and tribal partners.

Computer-Aided Management Emergency Operations (CAMEO)
CAMEO is a system of software applications used widely to plan for and respond to chemical emergencies. It is one of the tools developed by EPA's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Response and Restoration (NOAA), to assist front-line chemical emergency planners and responders. They can use CAMEO to access, store, and evaluate information critical for developing emergency plans. In addition, CAMEO supports regulatory compliance by helping users meet the chemical inventory reporting requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA, also known as SARA Title III). CAMEO also can be used with a separate software application called LandView to display EPA environmental databases and demographic/economic information to support analysis of environmental justice issues.

FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI)
EMI offers self-paced courses for people who have emergency management responsibilities and the general public.

Indian Country Environmental Hazards Assessment Program (ICEHAP) (PDF) (2 pp, 1.2MB,  About PDF)
OSWER supports the United Tribes Technical College to provide ICEHAP. This on-line, interactive, semester-long course teaches participants to recognize environmental conditions that may cause harm to tribal community health.

Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
OSWER supports the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) to provide training to tribes. ITEP training includes solid waste, and will be expanding into other OSWER-related training as part of a new program TWRAP, in the future.

Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona (ITCA) Exit Disclaimer
This program promotes the prevention of releases from federally-regulated Underground Storage Tanks (UST) and the compliance of UST facilities in Indian Country with federal regulations. UST CATS Program supports all federally-recognized tribes in protecting human health and the environment from UST releases. The program offers compliance assistance for UST facilities in Indian Country, training for tribal government personnel, tribal program capacity building, and collaborative opportunities.

ITEP and Tribal Solid Waste Education and Assistance Program (TSWEAP) (PDF) (1 pg, 25K, About PDF)
The Tribal Solid Waste Education and Assistance Program (TSWEAP) training program was initiated by ITEP in October 2006 with funding from the US Department of Agriculture. Our training mission is to create and deliver tribally-relevant courses for tribal solid waste professionals and to help them develop their overall capacity in the field of solid waste management.

National Incidence Management System (NIMS)
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Response Plan (NRP) are principal components of the HSPD-5 directives.  One key component of HSPD-5 was the requirement that all Federal response personnel be trained in NIMS and the NRP.   The OFRD on-line modules provide the basic framework for the Incident Command System and the Department's response to emergencies. In order to remain consistent with HSPD-5 and to leverage the national standard for NIMS training, all officers are being directed to complete specific courses at FEMA's Emergency Management Institute (EMI) on-line independent study program.

Resource Conservation Challenge - Web Academy
Join us as we provide information to our materials management stakeholders through a second year of webinars related to EPA's Resource Conservation Challenge. Learn about key issues, successful projects, and a variety of best management practices for creating stellar waste management programs. Hear from experts around the country on what works and what doesn't, and how to make your program more successful. The format for the calls will be a formal presentation followed by a question and answer session and discussion time.

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Related Online Courses
This Web site consolidates Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)-related on-line courses, seminars, webinars, podcasts, and videos that are posted throughout the Wastes Web site. Both introductory and more advanced courses are included for federal and state regulators, the regulated community, organizations, associations, and even consumers who are interested in environmental laws and regulations and their implementation.

Superfund Hotline Training Modules Exit Disclaimer
The Hotline training modules provide an introductory overview of EPA regulations under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act.

Superfund Job Training Initiative (SuperJTI)
SuperJTI's mission is to provide or support job training opportunities in communities affected by Superfund sites, and encourages their employment in site cleanup activities.

The Training Exchange Website TRAINEX Exit Disclaimer
Office of Solid Waste & Emergency Response (OSWER) developed this website to coordinate training for EPA, federal, state and tribal personnel involved in solid waste and hazardous waste management, cleanup and emergency response. The site links to training offered in all OSWER programs, at both HQ and Regional Level.

Tribal Solid Waste Advisory Network (TSWAN) Exit Disclaimer
TSWAN offers courses such as financial management & grant writing, solid waste programs, methamphetamine lab identification and assessment on tribal lands, and integrated solid waste management plans.

UST-LUST Virtual Classroom
This underground storage tanks (UST) virtual classroom provides internet-accessible training of introductory-level courses for state and EPA UST inspectors and staff, as well as others interested in learning about USTs.

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Certification and Training of Pesticides Applicators
Information about pesticide applicator certification and training programs conducted by states, territories, and tribes.

Worker Safety and Training
Find information on training for the proper and safe use of pesticides.

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Arsenic in Drinking Water – Training
Information on training opportunities to help water systems come into compliance with the Arsenic Rule

Arsenic Virtual Trade Show
The Arsenic Virtual Trade Show is a learning portal designed to help water systems comply with EPA’s Arsenic Rule.

CWA Tribal Training
This website contains a consolidated, centralized listing of training courses offered by EPA that will help Indian tribes develop and implement water quality programs consistent with the Clean Water Act (CWA).

Drinking Water Academy
The Drinking Water Academy (DWA) is a long-term training initiative whose primary goal is to expand EPA, state, and tribal capabilities to implement the 1996 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).  In addition to providing classroom and Web-based training, the DWA will act as a resource for training materials pertaining to SDWA implementation. 

Ground Water - OnSite Online Tools for Site Assessment
The OnSite set of online tools for site assessment contains calculators for formulas, models, unit conversion factors and scientific demonstrations to access the impacts from ground water contaminants. 

The Watershed Academy
The Watershed Academy provides training and information on implementing watershed approaches.

Drinking Water Training for Tribes and Tribal Operators
This website presents a list of training opportunities that may be of interest to Tribes and Tribal operators.

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