The Commercial Service Will Find You the Perfect Partner this Valentine’s Day

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The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Commercial Service can help businesses find their perfect match in each of more than 80 countries in just 15 business days. Our trained staff helps companies increase their sales by connecting them with strategic international partners through its International Partner Search.

It’s simple - companies provide background and marketing materials about what they do, and the Commercial Service uses its worldwide network and extensive contacts in the appropriate target markets to identify potential business opportunities. The result is a detailed description of up to five prequalified prospects. Working only with prequalified international partners that best meet each company’s business needs saves time and money. Commercial Service customers receive information on the marketability and sales potential of their products and services, as well as background on their prospective international partners.

For businesses that prefer face-to-face meetings, the Commercial Service offers the Gold Key Service, a tailored program where companies travel to a target business market and meet with potential agents, distributors, sales representatives, and other business partners. Before traveling, companies can get customized briefings by U.S. Commercial Service staff on industry sector market research and guidance with travel, accommodations, interpreter services, and clerical support. Following the trip, participants share their experiences with U.S. Commercial Service staff and together develop appropriate follow-up strategies. Businesses short on time also have the opportunity to use the Video Gold Key Service, which uses video conferencing in lieu of travel.

Ready to get started? Find your local Commercial Service specialist to schedule a meeting!

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business taxes

I wish someone would get the facts straight about hiring. Companies don't hire more people just because they have more money from reduced taxes. Hiring is done because the business owner has more demand for goods and services than his current workforce can not meet! In fact, companies with extra money are more likely to spend money to improve efficiency and eliminate jobs since expanding production or increasing services is not possible if demand is not increasing.
Instead of tax cuts to create jobs, we need to stimulate the system to create demand! Rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, create high speed rail for the entire country, get off the foreign oil and build a renewable energy system. This will create demand for goods and services.