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If you are already registered with DTIC, log on to Aristotle with your Common Access Card (CAC) or your DTIC ID/Password.If you are eligible for Aristotle, proceed to this site now to register your Common Access Card (CAC) or set up your DTIC ID/Password.

About Aristotle

Aristotle is a Web-based professional networking tool designed for federal government and Department of Defense (DoD) employees and contractors in the Science and Technology (S&T) community. Aristotle connects federal and DoD customers, users, and collaborators. The system allows you to search People, Projects and Topics and provides a constantly evolving snapshot of what is going on across the S&T community.


To use Aristotle, you must be registered with DTIC. Once you are registered with DTIC, you may access Aristotle with your user ID and password or your Common Access Card (CAC). You may also move seamlessly to Aristotle when logged on to DTIC Online Access Controlled.


For additional information about Aristotle or DTIC Online Access Controlled, call 1-800-225-3842 or email: For registration assistance, email: