Table 2. Numbers of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by case type and ownership, selected industries, 2010

TABLE 2.  Numbers of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by case type and ownership, selected industries, 2010

                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                                                                 |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                 Cases with days away from work,                 |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                   job transfer, or restriction                  |                     
                                                                                  |                     |         2010        |        Total        |_________________________________________________________________|        Other        
                                   Industry(1)                                    |        NAICS        |        Annual       |      recordable     |                     |                     |                     |      recordable     
                                                                                  |       code(2)       |       average       |        cases        |                     |        Cases        |        Cases        |        cases        
                                                                                  |                     |    employment(3)    |                     |        Total        |      with days      |       with job      |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |      away from      |     transfer or     |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |       work(4)       |     restriction     |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
 All industries including State and local government(5)...........................|                     |     124,868.5       |       3,883.6       |       1,957.2       |       1,191.1       |         766.1       |       1,926.4       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
 Private industry(5)..............................................................|                     |     106,444.4       |       3,063.4       |       1,598.1       |         933.2       |         664.9       |       1,465.2       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
   Goods producing(5).............................................................|                     |      18,727.9       |         759.6       |         416.6       |         223.0       |         193.6       |         343.0       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Natural resources and mining(5)(6)...........................................|                     |       1,579.8       |          55.8       |          32.8       |          20.9       |          11.9       |          23.0       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting(5)..............................|               11    |         967.8       |          40.2       |          23.0       |          14.0       |           9.0       |          17.2       
         Crop production(5)(7)....................................................|              111    |         416.0       |          16.8       |           9.8       |           5.7       |           4.1       |           7.0       
         Animal production(5)(7)..................................................|              112    |         158.6       |           9.2       |           5.0       |           3.5       |           1.6       |           4.2       
         Forestry and logging.....................................................|              113    |          55.9       |           1.8       |           1.0       |            .9       |            .1       |            .8       
         Support activities for agriculture and forestry..........................|              115    |         328.9       |          12.2       |           7.2       |           3.9       |           3.2       |           5.1       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Mining(6)..................................................................|               21    |         612.0       |          15.5       |           9.8       |           6.9       |           2.9       |           5.8       
         Oil and gas extraction...................................................|              211    |         148.2       |           1.9       |           1.1       |            .8       |            .3       |            .8       
         Mining (except oil and gas)(8)...........................................|              212    |         201.9       |           7.1       |           4.7       |           3.5       |           1.2       |           2.4       
         Support activities for mining............................................|              213    |         261.8       |           6.6       |           4.0       |           2.7       |           1.4       |           2.5       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Construction.................................................................|                     |       5,701.5       |         202.1       |         105.4       |          75.0       |          30.4       |          96.7       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Construction...............................................................|               23    |       5,701.5       |         202.1       |         105.4       |          75.0       |          30.4       |          96.7       
         Construction of buildings................................................|              236    |       1,282.3       |          39.5       |          18.8       |          13.4       |           5.4       |          20.7       
         Heavy and civil engineering construction.................................|              237    |         827.5       |          29.9       |          16.9       |           9.9       |           7.0       |          13.0       
         Specialty trade contractors..............................................|              238    |       3,591.8       |         132.7       |          69.7       |          51.6       |          18.1       |          62.9       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Manufacturing................................................................|                     |      11,446.6       |         501.8       |         278.4       |         127.1       |         151.3       |         223.4       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Manufacturing..............................................................|            31-33    |      11,446.6       |         501.8       |         278.4       |         127.1       |         151.3       |         223.4       
         Food manufacturing.......................................................|              311    |       1,441.9       |          82.8       |          53.4       |          20.2       |          33.1       |          29.5       
         Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing...............................|              312    |         184.8       |          11.4       |           7.8       |           3.3       |           4.5       |           3.5       
         Textile mills............................................................|              313    |         119.0       |           3.8       |           2.0       |            .8       |           1.2       |           1.8       
         Textile product mills(7).................................................|              314    |         120.3       |           3.6       |           2.2       |           1.1       |           1.1       |           1.4       
         Apparel manufacturing(7).................................................|              315    |         160.2       |           4.2       |           2.1       |           1.0       |           1.1       |           2.2       
         Leather and allied product manufacturing.................................|              316    |          27.3       |           1.3       |            .7       |            .2       |            .4       |            .6       
         Wood product manufacturing...............................................|              321    |         343.5       |          20.6       |          11.2       |           6.3       |           4.8       |           9.4       
         Paper manufacturing......................................................|              322    |         390.7       |          13.6       |           8.0       |           4.1       |           4.0       |           5.6       
         Printing and related support activities..................................|              323    |         494.0       |          14.8       |           8.4       |           4.6       |           3.8       |           6.4       
         Petroleum and coal products manufacturing................................|              324    |         109.9       |           1.7       |           1.0       |            .7       |            .4       |            .7       
         Chemical manufacturing...................................................|              325    |         789.2       |          19.5       |          11.8       |           5.7       |           6.2       |           7.7       
         Plastics and rubber products manufacturing(7)............................|              326    |         615.3       |          31.6       |          18.2       |           8.0       |          10.2       |          13.4       
         Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing................................|              327    |         375.6       |          22.2       |          12.9       |           6.5       |           6.4       |           9.3       
         Primary metal manufacturing..............................................|              331    |         350.9       |          23.2       |          12.5       |           5.9       |           6.5       |          10.7       
         Fabricated metal product manufacturing...................................|              332    |       1,261.2       |          68.8       |          33.8       |          17.4       |          16.4       |          35.0       
         Machinery manufacturing(7)...............................................|              333    |         978.8       |          43.4       |          20.5       |           9.9       |          10.6       |          23.0       
         Computer and electronic product manufacturing............................|              334    |       1,093.1       |          16.5       |           8.2       |           4.0       |           4.3       |           8.2       
         Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing.............|              335    |         355.5       |          11.6       |           6.3       |           2.6       |           3.7       |           5.4       
         Transportation equipment manufacturing(7)................................|              336    |       1,303.2       |          72.7       |          39.2       |          16.3       |          22.9       |          33.4       
         Furniture and related product manufacturing(7)...........................|              337    |         363.6       |          18.0       |           9.7       |           4.6       |           5.1       |           8.3       
         Miscellaneous manufacturing..............................................|              339    |         568.4       |          16.5       |           8.5       |           4.1       |           4.4       |           7.9       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
   Service providing..............................................................|                     |      87,716.6       |       2,303.7       |       1,181.5       |         710.2       |         471.4       |       1,122.2       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Trade, transportation, and utilities(9)......................................|                     |      24,503.5       |         852.5       |         503.2       |         284.6       |         218.6       |         349.2       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Wholesale trade............................................................|               42    |       5,487.5       |         179.7       |         108.8       |          58.1       |          50.7       |          70.9       
         Merchant wholesalers, durable goods......................................|              423    |       2,729.9       |          81.0       |          45.0       |          25.0       |          20.0       |          36.0       
         Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods...................................|              424    |       1,939.9       |          83.4       |          56.3       |          27.6       |          28.7       |          27.1       
         Wholesale electronic markets and agents and brokers......................|              425    |         817.6       |          15.3       |           7.6       |           5.5       |           2.1       |          -          
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Retail trade...............................................................|            44-45    |      14,521.5       |         453.8       |         246.2       |         131.4       |         114.8       |         207.5       
         Motor vehicle and parts dealers..........................................|              441    |       1,620.5       |          58.7       |          27.1       |          18.7       |           8.4       |          31.6       
         Furniture and home furnishings stores....................................|              442    |         441.3       |          14.6       |           8.5       |           5.1       |           3.4       |           6.1       
         Electronics and appliance stores.........................................|              443    |         500.8       |           6.6       |           2.9       |           1.5       |           1.4       |           3.7       
         Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers..............|              444    |       1,151.1       |          52.7       |          30.6       |          14.3       |          16.3       |          22.1       
         Food and beverage stores.................................................|              445    |       2,830.4       |         108.4       |          60.3       |          31.8       |          28.5       |          48.1       
         Health and personal care stores..........................................|              446    |         984.7       |          20.8       |           8.5       |           5.2       |           3.3       |          12.3       
         Gasoline stations........................................................|              447    |         824.8       |          18.7       |           9.5       |           7.0       |           2.5       |           9.2       
         Clothing and clothing accessories stores.................................|              448    |       1,370.1       |          21.6       |           6.6       |           4.9       |           1.6       |          15.1       
         Sporting goods, hobby, book, and music stores............................|              451    |         608.7       |          12.5       |           4.9       |           2.7       |           2.2       |           7.6       
         General merchandise stores...............................................|              452    |       2,992.6       |         109.3       |          70.3       |          30.1       |          40.2       |          39.0       
         Miscellaneous store retailers............................................|              453    |         781.6       |          17.3       |           8.9       |           5.1       |           3.7       |           8.4       
         Nonstore retailers.......................................................|              454    |         414.9       |          12.6       |           8.1       |           4.9       |           3.2       |           4.5       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Transportation and warehousing(9)..........................................|            48-49    |       3,937.4       |         202.1       |         138.7       |          89.5       |          49.1       |          63.4       
         Air transportation.......................................................|              481    |         452.8       |          29.5       |          23.2       |          16.9       |           6.3       |           6.3       
         Rail transportation(9)...................................................|              482    |          -          |           5.2       |           3.8       |           3.4       |            .4       |           1.5       
         Water transportation.....................................................|              483    |          60.7       |           2.4       |           1.2       |           1.0       |            .2       |           1.2       
         Truck transportation.....................................................|              484    |       1,240.1       |          65.2       |          43.8       |          31.4       |          12.4       |          21.4       
         Transit and ground passenger transportation..............................|              485    |         419.5       |          16.1       |          10.5       |           7.7       |           2.8       |           5.7       
         Pipeline transportation..................................................|              486    |          41.6       |           1.0       |            .4       |            .4       |            .1       |            .6       
         Scenic and sightseeing transportation....................................|              487    |          26.4       |            .7       |            .5       |            .3       |            .2       |            .2       
         Support activities for transportation....................................|              488    |         539.8       |          19.7       |          13.5       |           8.1       |           5.4       |           6.2       
         Couriers and messengers..................................................|              492    |         519.9       |          27.5       |          17.7       |          10.1       |           7.6       |           9.8       
         Warehousing and storage..................................................|              493    |         631.6       |          34.8       |          24.2       |          10.4       |          13.8       |          10.6       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Utilities..................................................................|               22    |         557.1       |          16.9       |           9.6       |           5.7       |           3.9       |           7.4       
         Utilities................................................................|              221    |         557.1       |          16.9       |           9.6       |           5.7       |           3.9       |           7.4       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Information..................................................................|                     |       2,725.6       |          46.3       |          27.0       |          19.3       |           7.6       |          19.3       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Information................................................................|               51    |       2,725.6       |          46.3       |          27.0       |          19.3       |           7.6       |          19.3       
         Publishing industries (except Internet)..................................|              511    |         767.3       |           8.8       |           4.8       |           3.1       |           1.7       |           4.0       
         Motion picture and sound recording industries............................|              512    |         361.3       |           6.3       |           2.0       |           1.5       |            .6       |           4.3       
         Broadcasting (except Internet)...........................................|              515    |         295.0       |           7.7       |           3.8       |           2.4       |           1.5       |          -          
         Telecommunications(7)....................................................|              517    |         922.7       |          20.2       |          14.3       |          10.5       |           3.8       |           5.9       
         Other information services(7)............................................|              519    |         139.3       |            .9       |            .5       |            .5       |         (10)        |            .4       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Financial activities.........................................................|                     |       7,508.5       |          88.8       |          41.8       |          27.5       |          14.3       |          47.0       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Finance and insurance......................................................|               52    |       5,542.9       |          40.7       |          14.1       |          10.5       |           3.7       |          26.6       
         Monetary authorities - central bank......................................|              521    |          20.8       |            .3       |            .1       |            .1       |         (10)        |            .2       
         Credit intermediation and related activities.............................|              522    |       2,554.6       |          20.7       |           6.9       |           5.0       |           1.9       |          13.8       
         Securities, commodity contracts, and other financial investments and     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
          related activities......................................................|              523    |         807.2       |           2.3       |           1.0       |            .9       |            .1       |           1.3       
         Insurance carriers and related activities................................|              524    |       2,072.5       |          16.4       |           5.8       |           4.3       |           1.5       |          10.6       
         Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles..............................|              525    |          87.7       |           1.0       |            .3       |            .3       |          -          |            .7       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Real estate and rental and leasing.........................................|               53    |       1,965.6       |          48.1       |          27.6       |          17.0       |          10.7       |          20.5       
         Real estate(7)...........................................................|              531    |       1,418.3       |          32.6       |          17.7       |          11.7       |           6.0       |          14.9       
         Rental and leasing services..............................................|              532    |         521.7       |          15.2       |           9.9       |           5.3       |           4.6       |           5.3       
         Lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets (except copyrighted works).....|              533    |          25.6       |            .2       |            .1       |         (10)        |         (10)        |          -          
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Professional and business services...........................................|                     |      16,644.9       |         224.1       |         113.7       |          75.9       |          37.8       |         110.5       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Professional, scientific, and technical services...........................|               54    |       7,525.9       |          70.5       |          29.0       |          18.1       |          10.8       |          41.5       

See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 2.  Numbers of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by case type and ownership, selected industries, 2010 - Continued

                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                                                                 |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                 Cases with days away from work,                 |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                   job transfer, or restriction                  |                     
                                                                                  |                     |         2010        |        Total        |_________________________________________________________________|        Other        
                                   Industry(1)                                    |        NAICS        |        Annual       |      recordable     |                     |                     |                     |      recordable     
                                                                                  |       code(2)       |       average       |        cases        |                     |        Cases        |        Cases        |        cases        
                                                                                  |                     |    employment(3)    |                     |        Total        |      with days      |       with job      |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |      away from      |     transfer or     |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |       work(4)       |     restriction     |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
         Professional, scientific, and technical services(7)......................|              541    |       7,525.9       |          70.5       |          29.0       |          18.1       |          10.8       |          41.5       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Management of companies and enterprises....................................|               55    |       1,887.6       |          26.0       |          12.3       |           7.2       |           5.2       |          13.7       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Administrative and support and waste management and remediation services...|               56    |       7,231.4       |         127.6       |          72.4       |          50.6       |          21.8       |          55.2       
         Administrative and support services(7)...................................|              561    |       6,877.4       |         111.2       |          61.6       |          43.9       |          17.7       |          49.7       
         Waste management and remediation services................................|              562    |         354.1       |          16.4       |          10.8       |           6.7       |           4.1       |           5.5       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Education and health services................................................|                     |      18,596.7       |         691.2       |         319.4       |         186.8       |         132.5       |         371.8       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Educational services.......................................................|               61    |       2,464.5       |          37.3       |          14.6       |          10.4       |           4.2       |          22.6       
         Educational services.....................................................|              611    |       2,464.5       |          37.3       |          14.6       |          10.4       |           4.2       |          22.6       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Health care and social assistance..........................................|               62    |      16,132.2       |         653.9       |         304.7       |         176.4       |         128.3       |         349.2       
         Ambulatory health care services..........................................|              621    |       5,950.8       |         130.4       |          48.8       |          33.6       |          15.2       |          81.6       
         Hospitals................................................................|              622    |       4,616.1       |         258.2       |         102.6       |          60.0       |          42.6       |         155.5       
         Nursing and residential care facilities..................................|              623    |       3,109.6       |         202.3       |         120.9       |          60.1       |          60.8       |          81.5       
         Social assistance........................................................|              624    |       2,455.8       |          63.0       |          32.4       |          22.7       |           9.7       |          30.5       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Leisure and hospitality......................................................|                     |      13,232.5       |         321.7       |         137.6       |          88.7       |          48.9       |         184.1       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Arts, entertainment, and recreation........................................|               71    |       2,049.9       |          56.4       |          26.9       |          15.0       |          11.8       |          29.5       
         Performing arts, spectator sports, and related industries................|              711    |         404.9       |          15.2       |           6.4       |           3.5       |           2.8       |          -          
         Museums, historical sites, and similar institutions......................|              712    |         127.2       |           4.1       |           2.1       |           1.2       |            .9       |           2.0       
         Amusement, gambling, and recreation industries...........................|              713    |       1,517.8       |          37.1       |          18.4       |          10.3       |           8.1       |          18.7       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Accommodation and food services............................................|               72    |      11,182.6       |         265.4       |         110.8       |          73.7       |          37.1       |         154.6       
         Accommodation............................................................|              721    |       1,788.6       |          71.0       |          36.6       |          21.1       |          15.5       |          34.4       
         Food services and drinking places........................................|              722    |       9,394.0       |         194.3       |          74.1       |          52.6       |          21.5       |         120.2       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Other services...............................................................|                     |       4,504.8       |          79.1       |          38.8       |          27.3       |          11.6       |          40.3       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Other services, except public administration...............................|               81    |       4,504.8       |          79.1       |          38.8       |          27.3       |          11.6       |          40.3       
         Repair and maintenance...................................................|              811    |       1,148.6       |          34.6       |          17.9       |          13.6       |           4.3       |          16.8       
         Personal and laundry services............................................|              812    |       1,284.9       |          21.2       |          12.3       |           7.6       |           4.7       |           8.9       
         Religious, grantmaking, civic, professional, and similar organizations...|              813    |       1,324.1       |          23.2       |           8.6       |           6.1       |           2.5       |          14.6       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
 State and local government(5)....................................................|                     |      18,424.1       |         820.3       |         359.1       |         257.9       |         101.2       |         461.2       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
 State government(5)..............................................................|                     |       4,624.5       |         183.9       |          90.4       |          69.5       |          20.9       |          93.4       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
   Service providing..............................................................|                     |       4,542.2       |         179.9       |          88.3       |          67.9       |          20.4       |          91.6       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Education and health services................................................|                     |       2,547.2       |          99.0       |          47.1       |          33.0       |          14.0       |          51.9       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Educational services.......................................................|               61    |       1,928.6       |          37.7       |          15.2       |           9.6       |           5.6       |          22.6       
         Educational services.....................................................|              611    |       1,928.6       |          37.7       |          15.2       |           9.6       |           5.6       |          22.6       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Health care and social assistance..........................................|               62    |         618.6       |          61.2       |          31.9       |          23.5       |           8.4       |          29.3       
         Hospitals................................................................|              622    |         344.6       |          38.1       |          16.6       |          11.5       |           5.1       |          21.4       
         Nursing and residential care facilities..................................|              623    |         140.6       |          20.0       |          13.1       |          10.0       |           3.1       |           6.9       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Public administration........................................................|                     |       1,851.3       |          74.3       |          36.8       |          30.9       |           5.9       |          37.5       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Public administration......................................................|               92    |       1,851.3       |          74.3       |          36.8       |          30.9       |           5.9       |          37.5       
         Justice, public order, and safety activities.............................|              922    |         724.1       |          41.9       |          22.1       |          19.2       |           2.9       |          19.8       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
 Local government(5)..............................................................|                     |      13,799.6       |         636.4       |         268.6       |         188.4       |          80.2       |         367.8       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
   Goods producing(5).............................................................|                     |         110.5       |           9.4       |           4.9       |          -          |           1.3       |           4.5       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Construction.................................................................|                     |         109.4       |           9.4       |           4.9       |          -          |           1.3       |           4.5       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Construction...............................................................|               23    |         109.4       |           9.4       |           4.9       |          -          |           1.3       |           4.5       
         Heavy and civil engineering construction.................................|              237    |         106.8       |           9.3       |           4.8       |          -          |           1.3       |           4.5       

See footnotes at end of table.
TABLE 2.  Numbers of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by case type and ownership, selected industries, 2010 - Continued

                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                                                                 |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                 Cases with days away from work,                 |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                   job transfer, or restriction                  |                     
                                                                                  |                     |         2010        |        Total        |_________________________________________________________________|        Other        
                                   Industry(1)                                    |        NAICS        |        Annual       |      recordable     |                     |                     |                     |      recordable     
                                                                                  |       code(2)       |       average       |        cases        |                     |        Cases        |        Cases        |        cases        
                                                                                  |                     |    employment(3)    |                     |        Total        |      with days      |       with job      |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |      away from      |     transfer or     |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |       work(4)       |     restriction     |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
   Service providing..............................................................|                     |      13,689.1       |         627.0       |         263.7       |         184.8       |          78.9       |         363.3       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Trade, transportation, and utilities(9)......................................|                     |         515.4       |          31.4       |          19.3       |          13.5       |           5.9       |          12.1       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Transportation and warehousing(9)..........................................|            48-49    |         271.0       |          17.1       |          10.5       |           8.7       |           1.9       |           6.5       
         Transit and ground passenger transportation..............................|              485    |         220.3       |          13.9       |           8.7       |           7.5       |           1.2       |           5.2       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Utilities..................................................................|               22    |         241.2       |          14.4       |           8.8       |           4.8       |          -          |           5.6       
         Utilities................................................................|              221    |         241.2       |          14.4       |           8.8       |           4.8       |          -          |           5.6       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Education and health services................................................|                     |       8,689.4       |         310.0       |         112.4       |          77.5       |          34.9       |         197.6       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Educational services.......................................................|               61    |       7,785.9       |         260.1       |          92.2       |          64.0       |          28.2       |         167.9       
         Educational services.....................................................|              611    |       7,785.9       |         260.1       |          92.2       |          64.0       |          28.2       |         167.9       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Health care and social assistance..........................................|               62    |         903.5       |          49.9       |          20.3       |          13.5       |           6.7       |          29.6       
         Hospitals................................................................|              622    |         650.9       |          37.5       |          13.6       |           9.2       |           4.4       |          23.9       
         Nursing and residential care facilities..................................|              623    |          77.6       |           7.0       |           4.5       |           2.6       |           1.9       |           2.5       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
     Public administration........................................................|                     |       3,953.9       |         262.1       |         118.9       |          84.6       |          34.3       |         143.2       
                                                                                  |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     |                     
       Public administration......................................................|               92    |       3,953.9       |         262.1       |         118.9       |          84.6       |          34.3       |         143.2       
         Justice, public order, and safety activities.............................|              922    |         993.0       |          91.2       |          44.0       |          36.0       |           7.9       |          47.3       

  1 Totals include data for industries not shown separately.
  2 North American Industry Classification System - United States, 2007
  3 Employment is expressed as an annual average and is derived primarily from the BLS-Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program.
  4 Days-away-from-work cases include those that result in days away from work with or without job transfer or restriction.
  5 Excludes farms with fewer than 11 employees.
  6 Data for Mining (Sector 21 in the North American Industry Classification System - United States, 2007) include establishments not governed by the Mine Safety and Health Administration rules and reporting, such as those in Oil and
Gas Extraction and related support activities.  Data for mining operators in coal, metal, and nonmetal mining are provided to BLS by the Mine Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.  Independent mining contractors
are excluded from the coal, metal, and nonmetal mining industries.  These data do not reflect the changes the Occupational Safety and Health Administration made to its recordkeeping requirements effective January 1, 2002; therefore,
estimates for these industries are not comparable to estimates in other industries.
  7 Industry scope changed in 2009.
  8 Data for mining operators in this industry are provided to BLS by the Mine Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.  Independent mining contractors are excluded.  These data do not reflect the changes the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration made to its recordkeeping requirements effective January 1, 2002; therefore, estimates for these industries are not comparable to estimates in other industries.
  9 Data for employers in railroad transportation are provided to BLS by the Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation.
 10 Data too small to be displayed.
  NOTE:  Because of rounding, components may not add to totals.  Dash indicates data do not meet publication guidelines. 
  SOURCE:  Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor   

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Last Modified Date: October 20, 2011