Blog Posts tagged with "J4"

Useful work in Ukraine

June 6 is a special day, but probably not for the reasons normally associated with the U.S. military in Europe. I was in Odessa, Ukraine, on the Black Sea coast. The weather was gorgeous, and I was with Ambassador Tefft and his wife, to celebrate the successful completion of facility improvements at Lastoshka Tuberculosis Children's Rehabilition Center.

Arriving sharply at 10 a.m., we were escorted to the ceremonial stage by the Chief Doctor Stepanchuk, the Center's director, and his deputy Mr. Chumachenko, at one of the completed projects -- a +250 square meter playground in the shade -- where the children, staff and media all anxiously awaited our arrival. On the way, the director stopped to allow us the opportunity to admire the children's artwork on display. Brightly colored balloons, ribbons, lace and music created a near carnival atmosphere as we met the community leaders, Vice Mayor Pavlova, Mr. Kalinchuk, and Mr. Kalinian in front of the showpiece project: the outdoor basketball court.

The Lastochka Center was built to help children recuperate and build up their immune system after contracting tuberculosis, a potentially deadly disease. The typical stay here is about 3 months as they work through the regimen of treatment. They are here without their families, but thanks to the wonderful staff they are happy -- they know they are cared for and loved, and you can see it through the smiles on their faces and the spring in their steps.

Photo courtesy US Embassy, Kiev

After the speeches, the children performed dances, skits and songs -- they are all very talented and amazingly self-confident, and put on a wonderful show. And the best part of the day, the Sixth Fleet Band Ambassadors played a mix of rock and pop, while some of the kids broke out onto the basketball court to give a test drive with a dozen basketballs donated to the center. The chairs are quickly piled up to make room on the dance floor as the kids moonwalk to Michael Jackson.

June 6 was a great day, not only for the picture postcard weather on the sun-kissed coast of the Black Sea, but because today we celebrate a partnership between the US Embassy, EUCOM and the Lastochka Children's TB Rehabilitation Center which is all about providing a second chance for children who, without this center, would not have that chance. It's about making the world a better place for the benefit of the kids who represent the future, and a partnership that will last well into that future.

Greg Zielinski,

U.S. European Command
J-4 EN Division Chief

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Logisticians Do Work Headlines Don't Capture

There are often times where you see headlines of stories but they don’t explain some of the behind the scenes work that goes on with major events. I wanted to share some of the efforts that occurred at U.S. European Command (EUCOM) and specifically the Logistics Directorate that explains our support to Israel during their recent wildfire disaster. I think it serves as a great example of our commitment to our partner nations.

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First day of school excitement in Albania!

Have you been to the beautiful mountainsides of Northern Albania? It was my first time to this land called Shqipëria, and as it is known by its inhabitants the "Land of the Mountain Eagle," hence the two-headed eagle on their uniquely distinguished national flag.

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Coalition Movement Conference – Moving Our Partners

U.S. European Command (EUCOM), J4 Deployment and Distribution Operations Center got of to a great start at the 2009 Coalition Movement Conference. Brigadier General Mate Ostović, Commander, Croatian Armed Forces Support Command, set the stage with his opening remarks and warmly received the participants. The General commented, “Conferences like this one are very important for gaining common knowledge and understanding of important issues that we all face in our work. Whenever friends and allies get together, great opportunities arise.” With that comment the conference proceeded with a great exchange of information on how we at EUCOM, along with CENTCOM, and TRANSCOM, can communicate and work better to improve the Coalition Partners Deployment and Re-deployment program for NATO and 18 Coalition Partner Nations.

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