DoDEA Europe Human Resources

DoDDS Europe - Office of the Director
Human Resources
Unit 29649, Box 7100
APO, AE 09002

Inside Germany: 0611-380-7706
Outside Germany: (49) 611-380-7706
DSN: (314) 338-7706

Information for Transferring Employees

Section Divider

The information on these pages are intended for DoDDS-Europe employees who have received a transfer for SY 2011/2012. We are providing several very important attachments to help make your move a smooth one and to reduce the stress that often occurs when you don't receive the appropriate information. These links to the right will provide information for both Transferring In and Transferring Out. A general Transfer Checklist is available as well as specific details and documents you will need to fill out and have approved if you are transferring to Italy.

Please take the time to become familiar with the information provided through these pages.

We hope that your move is a good one and we are here to help you in any way that we can.

Transferring "In" Information

This information is intended for DoDDS Europe employees who are transferring "in".

It is our pleasure to welcome you to your new district. The Supervisory Human Resources Specialist for your new Human Resource (HR) Team knows that providing outstanding personnel services to you is a priority.

Where to get Help: For information or assistance about processing into your new district, contact your new school. A wealth of information can also be found on our website or you may contact your HR Team via email. We will be happy to assist you in any way that we can.

The effective date of your reassignment will be your departure date from your old duty location, or the departure date from the U.S. if on RAT, whichever is later.

Please notify my office of your confirmed travel start date as soon as possible so that your pay may be continued without interruption.

  • Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance (TQSA): You are authorized up to 90 days of TQSA. Your 90 days start the same date as the effective date of your reassignment. If necessary, you may request an extension of up to 60 days. Any extension must be requested in writing and should be forwarded to your new HR Team. You should initiate your TQSA on-line at the DoDEA Allowance Processing System - DAPS.
  • Post Differential: If you were receiving Post Differential at your old duty location and have not already submitted an SF1190 in DAPS to stop it when you departed your current duty location you need to do so immediately. Information about Post Differential and the geographical locations that receive it can be found in the Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR) website
  • Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) at the your new District: When you move from temporary quarters to a permanent residence you should also use DAPS to initiate your LQA and Post Allowance.

    Information on LQA Maximum Rates and TQSA Per Diem Rates can be found at An Allowance Submission Guide can be found on our website. This guide gives step by step directions on how to initiate allowances in DAPS. The school secretary or a member of your new HR Team can assist you if you have any questions.
  • Advance Pay: If you did not request Advance Pay prior to you leaving your old duty location, you may request 3 months advance pay up to 60 days from arrival at your new duty location. You must submit an SF-1190 through DAPS for advance pay. You should provide a copy of your orders and your latest Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) to the HR Team via email. Your advance will be taken out over twelve (12) months/26 pay periods. However, if you are on a twenty-one (21) pay period schedule, then your advance will be prorated and adjusted so that it will be paid in full at the end of the your pay schedule. Please note that you are not authorized advance pay if you are currently paying off a previous advance pay.

Things to take care of when you arrive:

Please take care of the following items as soon as you arrive at your new location. We have also included a checklist for your convenience. This checklist can be found at:

  • Effective Date of Transfer/Pay: Remember: The effective date of your reassignment will be the departure date from your old duty location or the departure date from the US if you took RAT enroute. Please notify us of your travel date so that your pay may be continued without interruption.
  • Pay: The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) will continue to be your servicing payroll office. Please contact the CSR if there are any problems. The following items may be updated through the DFAS MyPay system If you don't have a MyPay pin number you may request one by following the instructions given on the MyPay website. DFAS will mail you your pin number within ten (10) days to fourteen (14) days to the address reflected on your LES.
    • Direct Deposit - if changing banks
    • Allotments - if changing
    • W-4 - if changing
    • Mailing Address
  • TSP Loan: If you have TSP Loan, you must provide the information to the CSR
  • Advance Pay Information: If you received advance pay prior to departure from your old duty location, please provide the advance pay information to us.
  • Non-Temporary Storage (NTS): If you have HHGs in NTS, please send a NTE form and your storage information to your new HR Team via email so we may forward this to the Customer Operations Team in Arlington to update your NTS record. The NTS form may be obtained at: If you have new storage you will be required to provide us a DD 1164 Form or DD 1299 Form to initiate your NTS record.
  • Leave and Earnings Statement (LES): When you receive your first LES in your new district, check it to make sure it is correct. For example, if you have life insurance (FEGLI), health benefits (FEHB), advance pay, and TSP allocating contributions for loans; make sure the proper deductions are being taken. You are responsible for contacting FSAFEDS regarding your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to have deductions continued at If you have elected Long Term Care Insurance (LTC), please visit to have deductions continue.

Transferring "Out" Information

This information is intended for DoDDS-Europe employees who are transferring "out".

It is our pleasure to congratulate you on your new assignment! To ensure a smooth transition to your new duty location we have provided the information below:

  • Where to get Help: For information or assistance about processing out of the your current district, see your school secretary first. A wealth of information can also be found on our website or you may contact your HR Team via email. They will be happy to assist you in any way that they can.
  • Request for PCS Travel Orders: You may request your travel orders through the Travel Order Processing System (TOPS). Your request should be submitted as soon as your plans are finalized. Contact your school secretary or your HR Team if you need any assistance.
  • The following items must be scanned and forwarded to your current HQ Customer Operations Team (COT). In order for COT to process your request for orders, you will need to provide the following:
    1. A new signed Transportation Agreement (DD Form 1616) reflecting the new tour of duty as indicated in your Transfer Program Reassignment letter. This form is available in TOPS but will need to be printed out and accompany the below documents.
    2. The Anti-Terrorism Training Certificates for you and any dependents traveling with you fourteen (14) years of age or older. Level 1 Anti-Terrorism Training is a requirement. The training may be taken online at If you have already taken the training through your school, the training is good for one year but your certificate or training roster will still need to be forwarded to COT.
    3. A signed copy of your Reassignment Letter
    If you have already received your travel order for Renewal Agreement Travel (RAT) and wish to accomplish your RAT in Conjunction with PCS, you must request cancellation of your RAT orders and resubmit a request for RAT in Conjunction with PCS. This is also done using TOPS.
  • Required Visas for Assignment to Certain Areas: If you are being assigned to Italy, England, or Korea, you are required to obtain a visa to enter these countries. You must also obtain an official passport if you do not already have one. If you are currently in possession of an official passport, make sure that it does not expire for at least six (6) months after your anticipated departure date. For additional information visit our website.
  • Arrange for Shipment of Household Goods and POV: This is coordinated with your local Transportation Management Office (TMO). You will need your orders before TMO will arrange a pack-out for you. Some areas may have restrictions on the total weight of household goods that will be authorized to be shipped to that area. Other areas may have restrictions on the type of POV (privately-owned vehicle) that may be shipped.
  • LQA Reconciliation: IAW SOP 06-002, dated 27 June 2006, a LQA reconciliation is not mandatory when you PCS out unless you did not submit the initial mandatory reconciliation after the first year in your residence. However if you wish, you may submit LQA reconciliation request paperwork to your current HR Team. These requests may not be done online using DAPS. Submit a complete LQA Recon package (to include year-end utility bills). A "How to Guide" for LQA Reconciliations can be found on the HR website.
  • Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) & Post Allowance (PA): Utilizing the DoDEA Allowance Processing System (DAPS); You should submit an SF1190 to stop both LQA and PA 10-14 days prior to the date you move out of your permanent quarters to ensure that LQA and PA stops in a timely manner. Your authorization for LQA will terminate effective the day before outgoing TQSA starts, the date you vacate your permanent residence quarters or the effective date of your reassignment – whichever occurs first. Your school secretary or your current HR Team may be of assistance to you if you have any questions.
  • Post Differential: If you are currently in receipt of Post Differential you will need to submit an SF1190 in DAPS to stop it when you depart your current duty location. Information about Post Differential and the geographical locations that receive it can be found in the Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR) website
  • Outgoing Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance (TQSA): TQSA is also submitted through the DoDEA Allowance Processing System (DAPS) If you are currently receiving or eligible for LQA, TQSA is authorized for up to 30 days prior to your departure from your current duty location. Local hires who have been determined as eligible for overseas allowances based on receipt of a current Transfer Program Offer are not eligible for outgoing TQSA. Generally, there is no overlap of TQSA and LQA except in unusual circumstances which must be requested in writing and approved in advance. See additional information and forms at the HR website.
  • Advance Pay: A current Federal employee may request 3 months advance pay up to three weeks before his/her estimated departure date for the new assignment or up to 60 days from arrival at your new duty location. If you want advance pay before you leave the your current district, you must submit an SF-1190 through DAPS for advance pay, You should provide a copy of your orders and your latest Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) to the HR Team via email. Your advance will be taken out over twelve (12) months/26 pay periods. However, if you are on a twenty-one (21) pay period schedule, then your advance will be prorated and adjusted so that it will be paid in full at the end of the your pay schedule. Please note that you are not authorized advance pay if you are currently paying off a previous advance pay.
  • Base and School Clearance: You must complete out-processing procedures before you leave. Information on these procedures may be obtained from your school secretary at your current duty location.
  • Information for Spouses: If your spouse is also working for Federal Government; they may wish to consider taking LWOP to accompany you to new duty location. Generally LWOP for up to one year is approved in order to prevent a break in service. Your school secretary or your current HR Team may assist your spouse on how to apply for LWOP if they are currently employed with DoDDS. If he/she is working at another government agency, they should contact their own local HR Office. Within 30 days of arrival at the new duty location, your spouse may apply for positions under local available announcements. However, if your spouse is a DoDDS teacher, they must submit an application through Employment Application System (EAS)

If you have questions or need assistance before leaving, contact your school secretary or your current HR Team via email. After arrival at your new duty location, your point of contact is the school secretary or the HR Team for your new district.

The effective date of the reassignment will be your departure date from your old duty location, or the departure date from the U.S. if on RAT in Conjunction with PCS, whichever is later. In order to prevent pay problems, please contact HR Team who handles your new district of your departure (travel start) date as soon as possible so that your pay may be continued without interruption.

Have a great trip and we are pleased to have served you!

Employees Transferring to Italy

The DoD agency in the Washington DC area, that processes passports and visas nationwide, has been tasked with all applications for Italian visas. Our employees can no longer utilize any of the regional Italian consulates. Every DoDDS application for an Italian visa must be processed through the DoDEA Passport Office, unless the employee is currently residing at an overseas installation. Then the Italian Consulate in the overseas area may be utilized. The Italian Consulate will only allow the DoD agency to present a certain number of applications to be processed at any one time and they are required to process according to travel date, not any sooner, so an accurate travel date back to Italy is imperative.

Please have all applicants fill in only the form from the Embassy of Italy in Washington website.

Below is the direct quote from the Foreign Clearance Guide:
(b) Visa or Sojourner's Permit required to remain in Italy more than 90 days. A valid visa is required to obtain a Sojourner's Permit, which can only be obtained after arrival in Italy. Individuals who enter without a visa, or who allow their visa to expire after arrival, cannot obtain a Sojourner's Permit until they exit Italy, obtain a visa, and reenter lawfully.
(c) Personnel stationed in Italy and returning from TDY or TAD must present passports with Sojourner's Permits or, if they have applied for but not received the permits, provide proof of application for Sojourner's Permits.

Employees need to submit the documentation listed below in order to complete the visa process. If anything is missing from the visa application package, the request may be rejected by the Italian Consulate's Office and returned without processing.

The application package should be sent to:

Department of Defense Education Activity
4040 N. Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203
Attn: Passport Office

The visa application can be obtained from the Embassy of Italy in Washington website.

  • Copy of your hire authorization (Orders) (PCS or RAT)
  • Copy of your flight itinerary
  • Copy of your identification card
  • Copy of your marriage certificate, if applicable
  • Copy of your visa application (only from the web site listed above)
  • Copy of your birth certificate
  • Signed Official Passport
  • Two Official Passport Photos

IMPORTANT NOTE: Updated August, 2008

If you are currently living in Germany and wish to obtain your Italian Visa through the Italian Consulate in Frankfurt, you must follow these procedures (you must first have a valid official passport before you can begin this process):

1) Before you can apply for your Italian Visa, you must directly contact the U.S. Embassy in Berlin to obtain from them a Verbal/Diplomatic Note for you and any dependents who require an Italian Visa. Their contact information is included on the last page of this document. This requirement covers any civilian employee and their dependents working for the Department of Defense, Department of the Army or Department of the Air Force.

2) After you receive the Verbal/Diplomatic Note from the U.S. Embassy in Berlin, you must make an appointment with the Italian Consulate in Frankfurt to apply for your Italian Visa. Failure to have the Verbal/Diplomatic Note from Berlin will cause a delay in your Italian Visa application process. Their contact information is also located on the last page of this document.

Points of Contact

  • Embassy of the United States - Berlin
    Berlin Pariser Platz 2 (Visiting Address)
    10117 Berlin
    Federal Republic of Germany
    Tel.: (030) 2385 174
    (Closed on American and German holidays)
  • For Mail pertaining to U.S. Visas
    Non-Immigrant Visa Section
    U.S. Embassy Berlin
    Clayallee 170
    14195 Berlin
  • For U.S. passport renewals and other services for American citizens:
    American Citizen Services Section
    U.S. Embassy Berlin
    Clayallee 170
    14195 Berlin
  • The contact information for the Italian Consulate in Frankfurt:
    Italian Consulate
    Kettenhofweg, 1
    D 60325 Frankfurt am Main
    Phone: 004969 75310
    Fax: 7531143