CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  NIDDK - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

NDEP is a partnership of the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and more than 200 public and private organizations.


From Pediatric to Adult Health Care

Transitioning from teenage years to adulthood can be stressful for teens with diabetes and their families. Teens and young adults need to assume more responsibility for diabetes self-management and make more independent judgments about their health care needs.

NDEP has assembled the materials below to help teens with diabetes make a smooth transition to adult health care. Families and health care professionals will also find these materials helpful.

NDEP has also developed a slide set with information about transitioning from pediatric to adult health care for health care professionals and community organizations to help explain and promote this resource. View or download promotional tools here.

A timeline to help all involved prepare for the transition process and adjust to new demands.

A summary of the teen’s health status to be completed with the pediatric team and provided to the adult care team.

Links to resources such as videos, message boards, social networks, workbooks, checklists and guides.

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