Safety & Health Management Systems eTool
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Instructions for the Online Check-up
Generate a report using the information you have entered
Safety and Health Program
Assessment Worksheet

If you want to find out how your safety and health program measures up, take a few minutes to complete the following survey. For each section, there is a set of questions. Select the answer that most accurately reflects your workplace system. You will then be able to get a rating.

There are no right or wrong answers. This check-up will help identify areas where improvements can be made.

    Check Mark Management Leadership and Employee Involvement
    Check Mark Worksite Analysis
    Check Mark Hazard Prevention and Control
    Check Mark Safety and Health Training

In order for a report to be generated by this system, pop ups must be allowed from this site, or your text will not be saved, and your report will not print. Many different pop up blocker programs exist, and you may be using more than one.

How to Allow Pop Ups In the Various Programs with Popup Blocker Features 
Internet Explorer
To change your pop up blocker settings, select "Tools" from the menu, then "Pop Up Blocker", then "Pop Up Blocker Settings". Add the OSHA web site to always allow pop ups or turn off your pop up blocker feature.
Firefox Browser
Select "Tools" from the menu, then "Options". Select the "Content" icon at the top of the window. Here you can turn off the pop up blocker or add OSHA as an allowed site.
Google Toolbar
When a pop up is blocked, a notification bar appears at the top of the window. Click it to allow the pop up one time or always allow them at this site.
Other Pop Up Blocking Programs
Open the program and look for the documentation on the pop up blocking feature. If necessary, go to the help file and search for pop up blocking. Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as AOL have a built in pop up blocking feature. Check the with your ISP or its help files to bypass the pop up blocker.


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