Archive Notice - OSHA Archive
NOTICE: This is an OSHA Archive Document, and may no longer represent OSHA Policy. It is presented here as historical content, for research and review purposes only.
Hurricane Recovery
For the Media PSA's
  Title: Heat Stress
Speaker: Ed Foulke, Former Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA
Available Formats: Audio Clip: English MP3 (496 KB) (00:30)
MP3 (918 KB) (00:60)
Additional Resources: 00:30 Transcript | 00:60 Transcript

  Title: Message for Hurricane Cleanup
Speaker: Ed Foulke, Former Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA
Available Formats: Audio Clip: English MP3 (421 KB) (00:60)
Spanish MP3 (592 KB) (01:26)
Video Clip: English MOV (78,850 KB) WMV (12,404 KB)
Spanish MOV (98,929 KB) WMV (9,274 KB)
Additional Resources: Audio Transcript: [English] [Spanish]
Video Transcript [English]

  Title: Hurricane PSA
Speaker: Ed Foulke, Former Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA
Available Formats: English MP3 (723 KB) (00:30)
Spanish MP3 (1017 MB) (00:30)
Additional Resources: Transcript: [English] [Spanish]

Radio Actuality:
  Title: Safe cleanup of storm damaged areas
Speaker: Ed Foulke, Former Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA
Available Formats: Audio Clip: MP3 (416 KB) (00:35)
Additional Resources: Transcript

Public Service Announcements
  Flooding Electrical
English: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
Spanish: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
English: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
Spanish: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
Chainsaws Falls
English: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
Spanish: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
English: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
Spanish: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]

Floods and Tornadoes
  • Radio Actuality:
      Title: Safe cleanup of storm damaged areas
    Speaker: Ed Foulke, Former Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA
    Available Formats: Audio Clip: MP3 (416 KB) (00:35)
    Additional Resources: Transcript

  • Public Service Announcements
      Flooding Electrical
    English: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
    Spanish: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
    English: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
    Spanish: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
    Chainsaws Falls
    English: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
    Spanish: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
    English: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]
    Spanish: [MP3] [WAV] [Text]