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Memphis, Tennessee

Memphis City Schools receives funding from CDC's Division of Adolescent and School Health to

  • Conduct the Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
  • Implement effective policies, programs, and practices to avoid, prevent, and reduce sexual risk behaviors among students that contribute to HIV infection, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and pregnancy.

HIV, STD, and Unintended Pregnancy Prevention

Memphis is seeking to increase the percentage of schools that address all of the following in a required course taught during grades 6, 7, or 8:

  • The differences between HIV and AIDS.
  • How HIV and other STDs are transmitted.
  • How HIV and other STDs are diagnosed and treated.
  • Health consequences of HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.
  • The benefits of being sexually abstinent.
  • How to prevent HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.
  • How to access valid and reliable health information, products, and services related to HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.
  • The influences of media, family, and social and cultural norms on sexual behavior.
  • Communication and negotiation skills related to eliminating or reducing risk for HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.
  • Goal setting and decision making skills related to eliminating or reducing risk for HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.
  • Compassion for persons living with HIV or AIDS.
  • Maintain a training cadre that will provide teachers with basic knowledge of research-based instructional strategies and skills to provide students with HIV prevention education.
  • Convene a Sexual Minority Youth Advisory Council to identify comprehensive sexual health curricula for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) students.
  • Provide technical assistance and training to 15 Memphis City staff on implementing HIV prevention curricula and addressing HIV prevention with Latino students.

Memphis is seeking to increase the percentage of schools that deliver HIV, STD, or pregnancy prevention programs (including after school or supplemental programs) that meet the needs of ethnic/racial minority youth at high risk (e.g., black, Hispanic, or American Indian youth) by doing all of the following:

  • Providing curricula or supplementary materials that include pictures, information, and learning experiences that reflect the life experiences of these youth in their communities.
  • Providing curricula or supplementary materials in the primary languages of these youth and their families.
  • Facilitating access to direct health services or arrangements with providers not on school property who have experience serving these youth in the community.
  • Facilitating access to direct social services and psychological services or arrangements with providers not on school property who have experience serving these youth in the community.
  • Requiring professional development for school staff on HIV, STD, and pregnancy prevention issues and resources for these youth.
  • Convene a Latino Advisory Council to plan and deliver HIV prevention education sessions to 80 Latino parents.
  • Collaborate with a professional theater company to produce stage play with content provided by student focus groups to target African American and Hispanic youth and distribute DVDs to schools, youth organizations, and churches.
  • Collaborate with the American Psychological Association to train mental health staff on developing safe spaces for LGBTQ youth.
  • Provide technical assistance to 10 middle schools that have developed Healthy School Teams on identifying safe spaces in their schools to support LGBTQ youth.

Memphis is seeking to increase the percentage of schools in which the lead health education teacher received professional development on at least six of the following during the past 2 years:

  • Teaching HIV prevention to students with physical, medical, or cognitive disabilities.
  • Teaching HIV prevention to students of various cultural backgrounds.
  • Using interactive teaching methods for HIV prevention education, such as role plays or cooperative group activities.
  • Teaching essential skills for health behavior change related to HIV prevention and guiding student practice of these skills.
  • Teaching about health-promoting social norms and beliefs related to HIV prevention.
  • Strategies for involving parents, families and others in student learning of HIV prevention education.
  • Assessing students’ performance in HIV prevention education.
  • Implementing standards-based HIV prevention education curricula and student assessment.
  • Using technology to improve HIV prevention education instruction.
  • Teaching HIV prevention to students with limited English proficiency.
  • Addressing community concerns and challenges related to HIV prevention education.
  • Survey middle school health teachers about the HIV/AIDS section of the Memphis City Schools’ Family Life Curriculum and review the survey results with the Superintendent’s office and the Policy and Curriculum and Instruction divisions.
  • Provide four professional development events to health teachers on the Michigan Model for Health, Memphis City Schools district AIDS policies, and assessment of student performance.
  • Provide technical assistance to 20 lead health teachers, including teaching observation, on their course instruction on HIV and AIDS.



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