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School Social Work is one of the most dynamic practice specialties within the field of social work. Your day is filled with many unique challenges that require specialized skills, knowledge, flexibility, persistence and creativity. SSWAA can help!

SSWAA is the only national organization solely dedicated

to advancing the profession of School Social Work.

  • SSWAA members enjoy the benefits of receiving weekly e-newsletters containing updates, educational trends and references on practice issues facing school social workers. You will get more information than you can imagine from all across the United States and beyond.
  • SSWAA members have access to an interactive Website and member’s only section, which provides a wide range of additional professional resources including e-forums, position statements, Ethical Guideline Series and numerous links to other professional organizations. Check out the opportunity to post a question of your colleagues and get the benefit of their experiences and expertise.
  • SSWAA members enjoy reduced rates to attend our National Conferences and Leadership Summits. Our next national conference will be held in St. Louis, April 7-10, 2010.
  • SSWAA membership supports Myrna Mandlawitz in her efforts as our Government Relations Director.  Myrna effectively lobbies in Washington DC on behalf of the School Social Work profession and the children and families we serve.  Look at our web site to see the list of organizations SSWAA partners with.
  • As you review our web site, you will be thrilled at the educational value, number and variety of practice resources and professional links available to help you do your best possible job as a School Social Worker. You have invested considerable time and energy enhancing your professional skills as well as advocating on behalf of children, families and schools. Please protect that investment and commitment by joining SSWAA today.



Frederick Streeck MSW  ACSW
Executive Director
School Social Work Association of America


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