OPEPD: Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development
Current Section
PIMS Key Goals

Provide internal and external customers with education information that is "fit for use"

Data that is "fit for use" meets or exceeds a data customer's expectations. Achieving fitness for use means ensuring data quality affecting the quantity, timeliness, accessibility (the degree of ease of access to information), metadata, presentation, and other attributes of data quality. In addition, an assessment of data quality must include the existence of and concurrence with information policies. Trade offs are sometimes necessary when data is desired but unavailable. Achieving fitness for use may also require the use of alternative data sources, collaboration with other organizations, or promotion of better data and information practices by data suppliers.

Support and champion the integration and harnessing of the Department's information assets

Knowledge management is a strategic process to capture the ways an organization integrates its information assets with the processes and policies that govern manipulation of those intellectual assets. The desired goal of knowledge management is the determination and harnessing of the value of the information resources within the Department to build business intelligence. Championing Department information asset integration includes championing its acceptance as well as its use.

Promote the efficient and effective use of resources

Ensuring the efficient and effective use of resources means that Department, customer, and partner resources are used in the most effective and efficient manner possible. Trade offs are sometimes necessary, and PIMS must consider the competing needs of customers, capabilities of partners, and availability of PIMS resources. The efficient and effective use of Department resources includes following best practices in contracting and overall management.

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Last Modified: 12/29/2006