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National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)

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Awards by Program--National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research

Source of Awards Information

All information related to NIDRR Awards has been taken from the NIDRR On-Line Program Directory maintained by the National Rehabilitation Information Center under contract to NIDRR.

NIDRR Awards by Program
NIDRR Program Awards' Page
84.133A—Disability and Rehabilitation Research Program Awards
84.133B—Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers Awards
84.133E—Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers Awards
84.133F—Mary E. Switzer Fellowships Awards
84.133G—Field-Initiated Program Awards
84.133N—Model Spinal Cord Injury Systems Awards
84.133P—Advanced Rehabilitation Research and Training Program Awards
84.133S—Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase I and Phase II Awards Awards

Note: For a combined picture of SBIR Awards from NIDRR and the Institute for Education Sciences, click here

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Last Modified: 05/31/2012