OSERS: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
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NIDRR Grants and Funding


Grants and funding is a hot topic among the constituencies we serve. After listening to your questions in this area, we believe what you want to know falls under the following four broad areas. Click on an area to find out more.

Learning the Secrets to Writing a NIDRR Grant from the Inside

A great way to learn what constitutes a well-written grant application is to review one as part of a team of expert peer reviewers. NIDRR is always looking for peer reviewers with specific subject-matter expertise. Looking at how an applicant describes a problem and proposes a solution often requires a variety of different people with different skill sets. So, why not Donate Your Brain to Science and Become a Peer Reviewer for NIDRR

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Applying for a NIDRR Grant

Applying for a grant is also an extremely popular area. We got a lot of questions from so many different people that we decided that this area needed a page of its very own so check out our new Applicant Information Center Page. If you do not find what you are looking for there, you can always consult our NIDRR Program-Specific FAQs or our General FAQ. And if you still have a question that needs an answer, email it to our NIDRR Webmaster.

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Viewing Contact and Topical information for our Awarded Grants

Our constituencies have also informed us that they would like to be able to view profiles of our awarded grants by program which contain abstracts about what they are doing as well as contact information for the people doing the work. Check out our Awards' by Program Information Page.

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Viewing the Number of Awarded Grants Funded in Each of Our Programs and the Monies Associated with Them

We also get asked the "how many" and "how much" questions a lot. Of course, the "how many" relates to the number of grants that were funded in a particular NIDRR program for a given year. and the "how much" relates to the dollar amounts by program. for a given year. Check out our Funding Status by Program Page

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Last Modified: 05/28/2012