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Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Distribution Map

Ebola hemorrhagic fever distribution map of Africa
Cases of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever in Africa, 1976 - 2008
Country Town Cases Deaths Species Year
Dem. Rep. of Congo Yambuku 318 280 Ezaire 1976
Sudan Nzara 284 151 Esudan 1976
Dem. Rep. of Congo Tandala 1 1 Ezaire 1977
Sudan Nzara 34 22 Esudan 1979
Gabon Mekouka 52 31 Ezaire 1994
Ivory Coast Tai Forest 1 0 EIvoryCoast 1994
Dem. Rep. of Congo Kikwit 315 250 Ezaire 1995
Gabon Mayibout 37 21 Ezaire 1996
Gabon Booue 60 45 Ezaire 1996
South Africa Johannesburg 2 1 Ezaire 1996
Uganda Gulu 425 224 Esudan 2000
Gabon Libreville 65 53 Ezaire 2001
Republic of Congo Not specified 57 43 Ezaire 2001
Republic of Congo Mbomo 143 128 Ezaire 2002
Republic of Congo Mbomo 35 29 Ezaire 2003
Sudan Yambio 17 7 Esudan 2004
Dem. Rep. of Congo Luebo 264 187 Ezaire 2007
Uganda Bundibugyo 149 37 Ebundi 2007
Dem. Rep. of Congo Luebo 32 15 Ezaire 2008
Related Links
 Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Home page
 List of Known Cases and Outbreaks of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
 Filoviruses Fact Sheet
 Infection Control Manual
 Outbreak Postings (since 2000)
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This page last reviewed July 31, 2012

Content source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)
Division of High-Consequence Pathogens and Pathology (DHCPP)
Viral Special Pathogens Branch (VSPB)

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