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HHS SBIR PA-11-335

Lab to Marketplace: Tools for Biomedical and Behavioral Research

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Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
Program/Year: SBIR / 2011
Solicitation Number: PA-11-335
Release Date: September 8, 2011
Open Date: November 5, 2011
Close Date: September 8, 2014 (closing in 691 days)
PA-11-335: Lab to Marketplace: Tools for Biomedical and Behavioral Research

The NIH and other research sponsors invest a significant amount of funds in the development of new technologies to study biology and behavior, from basic and clinical perspectives, through a variety of mechanisms, including, from NIH, the R01, R21, P01, P41, and P50 grants. This investment has produced a large number of technologies that include hardware (e.g., instruments, devices, etc.), software (e.g., computational models, informatics tools, data analytic methods, etc.) and wetware (e.g., cell-free assays, bioactive agents, imaging probes, etc.). While these technologies are put to good use by their developers, such non-commercial developers devote little attention to making their tools robust and easy to use by the broad research community. Consequently, the promise of these advanced technologies is often realized only by the tools developers and their close associates. Moreover, ongoing support to maintain and update technologies in non-commercial settings is difficult to obtain.

In contrast, tools that are commercially available need to be sturdy and easy to use, and commercial success often provides the means for continued maintenance and improvements of the underlying technology. This FOA is intended to help move useful technologies from non-commercial laboratories into the commercial marketplace by inviting SBIR grant applications from small businesses for further development of such technologies that are relevant to the missions of the sponsoring NIH institutes and centers. The supported research and development will likely include making the tools more robust and easy to use, and will likely require close collaboration between the original developers of these technologies and SBCs. These partnerships may be accomplished in any of a number of ways, including the use of multiple principle investigators.

This FOA encourages SBIR grant applications to commercially develop tools of any type relevant to the mission of one or more of the participating NIH institutes and centers.

NHGRI is interested in supporting the commercialization of technologies that can be used to help to understand the structure and biology of genomes, and genomic contributions to the biology of disease; and to accelerate the use of genomics to advance the science of medicine and the effectiveness of healthcare (see

NCCAM has a strong interest in the use of Complementary and Alternative approaches to support healthy behaviors.  For a complete list of our priority topics please visit our website:

Visit the websites of the remaining participating NIH institutes and centers for information about their missions and general areas of interest.