AWE Resource Library

Landscape, Irrigation, and Outdoor Water Use

Outdoor water use is often the largest single end use of water within a water utility's service area. The Resource Library pages listed below offer information on landscape water use, landscape design, plants, irrigation and irrigation systems, and conservation savings as well as links to the latest research and information about this important area of water use.



General Information 

Landscape and Irrigation Introduction 

Evapotranspiration and Net Irrigation Needs 

Outdoor Water Savings - AWE Phase 1 Report 

Plants, Grasses, Trees, and Shrubs 

Annual Plants 

Grass and Turf 

Mulches for the Landscape 

Perennial Plants 


Synthetic Turf 


Landscape Design 

Landscape Design - Aesthetic Principles 

Water Wise Landscape Design Introduction 

Soil Improvement 


Xeriscape Water Savings 

Natural Landscaping and Native Plants 



General Information 

Automatic and Manual Irrigation Introduction 

Drip and Micro-Spray Irrigation Introduction 

Flood Irrigation Introduction 

Golf Course Water Efficiency Introduction 

Irrigation Scheduling Introduction 

Irrigation Systems, Equipment, and Design 

Irrigation Equipment Introduction 

Irrigation Controller Introduction 

Irrigation System Design and Installation 

Irrigation Sprinkler Heads 

Irrigation System Maintenance 

Irrigation System Valves 

Smart Irrigation Control 

Smart Irrigation Controllers – Weather-Based Irrigation Control Introduction 

Residential Irrigation System Rainfall Shutoff Devices 

Smart Water Application Technology (SWAT) Initiative 

Soil Moisture Sensors 


Definition of Terms

Looking for a quick definition of a water or conservation related term or concept?  The AWE Glossary has an extensive list of the most commonly used terms in the biz.

AWE Glossary of Common Water Related Terms, Abbreviations, and Definitions 

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