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Testimonials About EPA's WaterSense Program

"When consumers pick products with the WaterSense label, they will make a smart choice that will save money, save water, and help save the rivers, lakes, and other water supplies in their own backyards. It will put the power in everyone's hands to protect the places they swim, fish, and get their drinking water."
– Rebecca Wodder, President
American Rivers

EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson announces the WaterSense program at the American Water Works Association's 125th Annual Conference and Exhibition on June 12, 2006 in San Antonio, Texas.

"Water efficiency is the best way to ensure safe and reliable drinking water supplies, while also saving consumers money on utility bills. The new WaterSense program will highlight premium products and services that save water. The public will embrace the opportunity to choose products that protect our drinking water supplies, save money, and provide water to our treasured rivers, lakes, and streams. NRDC welcomes this program and believes it will help highlight the importance of water efficiency to our communities."
– Ronnie Cohen, Senior Policy Analyst
Natural Resources Defense Council

"We are excited about the EPA's new WaterSense labeling program. We are continuously developing innovative ways to help conserve water while maintaining excellent levels of product performance. By encouraging people to use water more efficiently, we help reduce the need for new water and wastewater facilities, help protect our drinking water, and help our customers save money."
– Jim Dwyer, President of Bath and Kitchen
American Standard, Inc.

EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson (left) shakes hands with Pete DeMarco of American Standard (right), a leading producer of bathroom and kitchen fixtures and faucets, at the launch of WaterSense.

"For 55 years, our company has been providing water-efficiency solutions to irrigators that not only help them save money, but grow healthier plants and produce greater yields, all while minimizing the impact on our environment. I look forward to the EPA's WaterSense program, which will encourage more consumers to adopt such water-efficient technologies."
– Tom Penning, President
Irrometer Co., Inc.

"The long-term availability of affordable, abundant water is one of the key issues facing our community. The WaterSense program gives us an exciting new tool that we can use to promote water efficiency—making it easier than ever for San Antonians to save money and save water, while helping to secure our region's water future."
– David Chardavoyne, President/CEO
San Antonio Water System

"California is thrilled to hear that EPA is launching this long-awaited program. The benefits from the resulting water savings will have tremendous national value over the years to come. Consumers will save water, they will save money, and they will have great products in the marketplace. This program is an important step forward and we are pledging to work closely with EPA in rolling out the details."
– Mary Ann Dickinson
California Urban Water Conservation Council

Stakeholders join EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson (right of logo) and Assistant Administrator Ben Grumbles (left of logo) to unveil the WaterSense program logo.

"Water shortages have become commonplace in many parts of the country, and local water agencies have been encouraging consumers to save water where possible. This program will provide a way for Americans to reduce water consumption without giving up product performance. Increased efficient use of water can save consumers money, reduce the costs of drinking water and wastewater treatment, and help protect water quality in rivers, lakes, and estuaries."
– Diane VanDe Hei, Executive Director
American Metropolitan Water Association

"Water efficiency is the keystone of the irrigation industry. The EPA label will provide independent confirmation for consumers who want products and services that make the best use of water."
– Tom Kimmel, Executive Director
Irrigation Association

"Drinking water utilities are eager to partner with the EPA to help ensure the success of this new national labeling program. Water and wastewater utilities face an enormous and growing challenge to maintain and expand the infrastructure needed to protect America's water supplies and provide affordable water and wastewater service. Water savings help our infrastructure dollars go further. Utilities welcome this initiative and intend to partner with EPA to encourage our customers to look for the WaterSense label when they are in the market for new or replacement products and services."
– Al Dietemann, Director of Resource Conservation
Seattle Public Utilities

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