Blog Posts from May, 2009

2009 Miss America Visit to Germany

Miss America 2009, Katie Stam, stands with troops at the Wounded Warrior USO in Landstuhl during her visit to Germany.

Miss America 2009, Katie Stam, stands with troops at the Wounded Warrior USO in Landstuhl during her visit to Germany.

My tour manager, Karen and I thoroughly enjoyed our time in Stuttgart. The hospitality was amazing and left us speechless! We are really looking forward to making a return visit to Germany in the near future!

From the moment we landed in Stuttgart, Karen and I knew this was going to be an incredible trip! The first day, we visited with Admiral Richard Gallagher in his office, ate some pizza at Le Rose, attended a women's conference, and had an incredible dinner at Mr. Ritchie's home. We met quite a few soldiers and saw quite a bit of the base. Even though we were up for 36 hours straight, it was a great first day!

The next few days consisted of speaking at Patch high school and elementary school, Change of responsibility ceremony, a visit to Landstuhl, speaking at a german school, and time spent with the USO Wounded Warriors program among many other things!

Karen and I had such an amazing time while in Germany! We made some really amazing friends that will last a lifetime and memories that will for sure be some of our favorites from our entire year! Thanks to everyone who made it so incredibly special including Colonel Kevin McAleese, Tech Sgt. Natasha Kienow, 1st Lt. Jennifer Lewis, Mr. Don Wiseman, Vice Admiral and Mrs. Gallagher, the entire Public Affairs Office, the USO, Frau Ulli Wagner and Mr. And Mrs. Ritchie.

Thanks so much


Miss America 2009

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Miss America 1962 Recounts Her Visit with Troops in Europe

One day, my traveling companion, Peggy Lloyd (O'Neill at that time) and I were taken to Check "Point Charlie" where she insisted I do as she did! While smiling at the Russian soldiers who aimed their guns at us a few feet away, she grabbed a chunk of the Berlin Wall as a souvenir! I whispered to her it was too dangerous, she whispered back, "They wouldn't dare shoot us!" She told me to quickly do the same! Terrified, I did as I was told! I'm amazed we got away with our thievery...right under the noses of those Russian soldiers! (In my mind, I could just see the newspaper headlines: "Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, arrested for stealing part of the Berlin Wall!")

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