Counter-LRA Panel Discussion with Jason Lewis-Berry and Paul Ronan

June 28, 2012


On June 20, 2012, the  Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars hosted a panel discussion on efforts to counter the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). The event featured CSO’s Jason Lewis-Berry and Paul Ronan, Co-founder & Director of Advocacy at RESOLVE, a DC-based non-profit working on counter-LRA efforts. The panel was accompanied by two discussants, civil society leaders from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Father Benoit Kinalegu and Sister Angelique Namaika. Jason and Paul spoke about their experiences with civilian counter-LRA efforts in central Africa. The Wilson Center’s  Steve McDonald, Director of Africa Program and Project on Leadership and Building State Capacity, provided introductory remarks and moderated the discussion.

A video recording and downloadable audio podcast of the panel and subsequent discussion are available on the Wilson Center’s website. Photos from the event are available on the State Department website.

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