Table 2. Reason for layoff: Extended mass layoff events, separations, and initial claimants for unemployment insurance, private nonfarm sector, selected quarters, 2011 and 2012

Table 2. Reason for layoff: Extended mass layoff events, separations, and initial claimants for unemployment insurance, 
private nonfarm sector, selected quarters, 2011 and 2012

                                                                                                         Initial claimants for
                                             Layoff events                   Separations                 unemployment insurance
         Reason for layoff                                                                                                      
                                        II        I        II           II        I        II            II        I        II
                                       2011     2012r     2012p        2011     2012r     2012p         2011     2012r     2012p
   Total, private nonfarm (1) .....   1,810     1,290     1,476      317,546   245,901   262,848      342,530   286,384   221,997

Business demand ...................     517       518       477       74,273   107,583    71,532       97,935   150,923    71,095
  Contract cancellation ...........      30        20        31        3,617     4,694     6,466        3,769     3,775     4,451
  Contract completion .............     317       358       311       49,032    83,425    44,536       67,686   124,206    48,429
  Domestic competition ............       -       (2)       (2)            -       (2)       (2)            -       (2)       (2)
  Excess inventory/saturated 
    market ........................     (2)       (2)       (2)          (2)       (2)       (2)          (2)       (2)       (2)
  Import competition ..............     (2)         -         -          (2)         -         -          (2)         -         -
  Slack work/insufficient demand/
    non-seasonal business slowdown.     166       135       131       21,063    17,725    19,896       25,974    19,207    17,783
Organizational changes ............      70        74        77       16,533    15,077    15,628       12,582    13,495    10,245
  Business-ownership change .......      17        15        16        8,787     3,844     5,533        2,339     1,623     1,346
  Reorganization or restructuring 
    of company ....................      53        59        61        7,746    11,233    10,095       10,243    11,872     8,899

Financial issues ..................     117       114        75       15,854    21,773    13,154       19,948    17,059     9,900
  Bankruptcy ......................      26        16        14        3,668     2,557     2,329        3,374     1,514     1,628
  Cost control/cost cutting/
    increase profitability ........      61        52        36        7,084     9,947     6,069       11,427     9,232     5,591
  Financial difficulty ............      30        46        25        5,102     9,269     4,756        5,147     6,313     2,681

Production specific ...............      33        16       (2)        4,369     2,469       (2)        7,382     2,766       (2)
    advances ......................       3         3       (2)          513       626       (2)          675       911       (2)
  Energy related ..................       -         -         -            -         -         -            -         -         -
  Governmental regulations/
    intervention ..................       5         3         3          690       528       593        1,890       479       284
  Labor dispute/contract 
    negotiations/strike ...........     (2)       (2)       (2)          (2)       (2)       (2)          (2)       (2)       (2)
  Material or supply shortage .....      17       (2)       (2)        2,034       (2)       (2)        3,134       (2)       (2)
  Model changeover ................     (2)       (2)         3          (2)       (2)     1,436          (2)       (2)     2,054
  Plant or machine repair/
    maintenance ...................       3         3       (2)          439       265       (2)          358       428       (2)
  Product line discontinued .......     (2)       (2)         3          (2)       (2)       614          (2)       (2)       330

Disaster/safety ...................      11         4       (2)        2,039       676       (2)        2,152       590       (2)
  Hazardous work environment ......     (2)       (2)       (2)          (2)       (2)       (2)          (2)       (2)       (2)
  Natural disaster (not weather 
    related) ......................       -         -         -            -         -         -            -         -         -
  Non-natural disaster ............     (2)         -       (2)          (2)         -       (2)          (2)         -       (2)
  Extreme weather-related event ...       7       (2)         -        1,244       (2)         -        1,529       (2)         -

Seasonal ..........................     773       324       656      151,717    54,244   132,820      149,023    57,830   102,180
  Seasonal ........................     468       (2)       371       95,526       (2)    83,593       87,499       (2)    59,339
  Vacation period-school related 
    or otherwise ..................     305       (2)       285       56,191       (2)    49,227       61,524       (2)    42,841

Other/miscellaneous ...............     289       240       175       52,761    44,079    25,323       53,508    43,721    25,022
  Other ...........................      29        24        17        3,848     4,905     2,611        4,596     5,069     2,437
  Data not provided: refusal ......      67        70        63       18,512    13,110     9,463       18,538    13,110     9,328
  Data not provided: does not 
    know ..........................     193       146        95       30,401    26,064    13,249       30,374    25,542    13,257

    1 See footnote 1, table 1.
    2 Data do not meet BLS or state agency disclosure standards.
    r = revised.
    p = preliminary.
    NOTE: Dash represents zero.

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Last Modified Date: August 14, 2012