Secretary Clinton: Travel to London and Paris

January 26, 2010 to January 29, 2010

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Secretary of State Clinton traveled to London and Paris from January 26 to 29, 2010.

In London, Secretary Clinton attended a ministerial meeting on Yemen on January 27 and the International Conference on Afghanistan on January 28. The goal of the Yemen meeting was to consolidate international support for Yemen, coordinate assistance efforts, and reach agreement on assisting Yemen in its political and economic reform efforts. The objective of the London Conference on Afghanistan was to demonstrate the international community's support for Afghanistan's future and the agenda outlined by President Karzai in his November 19 inauguration speech. The meetings focused on the implementation of our strategy in support of Afghanistan's security, governance and development, and improved international civilian coordination.

The Secretary ended her trip in Paris, where she gave a speech on European security, and met with President Sarkozy and Foreign Minister Kouchner to discuss the international Haiti relief effort, developments in Iran, Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and an array of other issues of mutual concern.

01/29/2010  Advancing the Rights of Women and Girls: Keys to a Better Future for Afghanistan
01/29/2010  Remarks With French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner
01/29/2010  The Future of European Security
01/29/2010  Interview With Indira Lakshmanan of Bloomberg Radio
01/29/2010  Secretary Clinton Meets with Embassy Staff and their Families
01/28/2010  Secretary Clinton's Remarks at the International Conference on Afghanistan
01/28/2010  Joint Statement on Nigeria
01/28/2010  Secretary Clinton's Interview With Jill Dougherty of CNN
01/28/2010  Secretary Clinton's Interview With Renee Montagne of NPR
01/27/2010  Secretary Clinton's Remarks With British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Yemeni Foreign Minister Abu Bakr Abdullah al-Qirbi

Related Information
Fact Sheet: The Secretary of State's Speech on The Future of European Security
The London Conference on Aghanistan

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