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Award Nominations Information

Award Nominations Information

GSA's Miles Romney Achievement Award for Innovation in Personal Property Management will be presented annually at the NPMA National Education Seminar.

Entries must be received by February 28 - NO EXTENSIONS.

Eligibility: Only federal government agencies are eligible. Practices initiated or completed by the entry date are eligible.

Submission Requirements:  Applications should include an entry form signed by the agency’s authorizing official, plus narrative responses to the six items listed below.  Responses should be typed. Agencies may nominate more than one practice; however, a separate entry form is required for each submission. Attach the entry form to the narrative and submit the original package plus one copy. The complete application package including the application form should not exceed five pages.

Please respond to each item. These items should guide, but not limit, your response.

1.  Briefly summarize the innovative practice for which the nomination is submitted.

2.  Describe the background of your organization  and how the nominated practice enhanced the asset disposition process.

3.  Describe the most significant impacts or results of the practice.

4.  Describe how replicable this practice might be elsewhere in the federal government. Be sure to mention whether other agencies or organizations have already adopted your practice.

5.  Briefly describe how this practice is consistent with the Personal Property Management Principles.

Send Entries to:

Property Award Team
Personal Property Management Policy Division (MTP)
U.S. General Services Administration
1275 First Street, NE, #672
Washington, DC 20417.

Electronic submissions are also welcome.  Email:

Entries must be received by February 28.

Selection of Winners:

A panel of personal property management experts from the federal community will evaluate all applications and select the winner.

Miles,Romney, Flash, call,nominations, Innovation, Personal,property,management