BEZMER AIR BASE, Bulgaria — Senior Airman Spencer K. Lahaie, 52nd Civil Engineer Squadron firefighter, demonstrates features on board a P-19 fire truck to the Bulgarian firefighters. A six-man f

BEZMER AIR BASE, Bulgaria — Senior Airman Spencer K. Lahaie, 52nd Civil Engineer Squadron firefighter, demonstrates features on board a P-19 fire truck to the Bulgarian firefighters. A six-man fire department team deployed here to support  Reunion April 2009,, a joint training exercise. (Department of Defense photo by Air Force Master Sgt. Bill Gomez) View at highest resolution (4240 by 445 pixels)

BEZMER AIR BASE, Bulgaria — Senior Airman Spencer K. Lahaie, 52nd Civil Engineer Squadron firefighter, demonstrates features on board a P-19 fire truck to the Bulgarian firefighters. A six-man fire department team deployed here to support Reunion April 2009,, a joint training exercise. (Department of Defense photo by Air Force Master Sgt. Bill Gomez)

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