Research Highlights sorted by Research Area

Radiation Processes | Cloud Distributions/Characterizations | Surface Properties | General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations | Aerosol Properties | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures | Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD) | Vertical Velocity | Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) | Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions | Cloud Processes | Aerosol Processes

Radiation Processes

Alexandrov, M. D.
Optical Depth Measurements by Shadowband Radiometers and Their Uncertainties ARM
Berg, L.
Surface Summertime Radiative Forcing by Shallow Cumuli at the ARM SGP ARM
Botta, G., Verlinde, J.
Millimeter Wave Scattering from Ice Crystals and Their Aggregates ARM ASR
Cadeddu, M. P., Turner, D. D., Liljegren, J. C.
New Algorithm to Retrieve Water Vapor and Liquid Water Path from ARM Climate Research Facility Radiometers ARM
Chuang, C.
Preview of TWP MFRSR Data ARM
Cimini, D., Westwater, E. R., Payne, V., Turner, D. D., Mlawer, E. J., Exner, M., Cadeddu, M. P.
Comparison of Ground-Based Millimeter-Wave Observations During RHUBC I ARM
Comstock, J. M.
The Evolution and Distribution of Water Vapor and Microphysical Properties in Cirrus Clouds ARM
Cziczo, D. J., Ghan, S. J., Flynn, C. J., Hubbe, J., Laskin, A., Roeder, L. R., Ronfeld, D., Schmid, B., Tomlinson, J., Zelenyuk, A.
SPLAT Makes Its Mark in Flying Research Laboratory ARM
de Boer, G.
Mixed-Phase Cloud Radiative Properties from M-PACE Microphysical Retrievals ARM ASR
Delamere, J. S.
Improving the Treatment of Radiation in Climate Models ARM
Dong, X., Minnis, P.
Minimal Shortwave Anomalous Absorption Found over ACRF Sites ARM
Gero, J., Turner, D. D.
Trends in Downwelling Longwave Radiation over SGP ARM ASR
Ghan, S. J.
Heating Up the Arctic: Most Complete Data Set Ever Collected Helps Scientists Understand Aerosol ARM ASR
Hansell, R. A.
Remote Sensing of Mineral Dust Using AERI ARM
Kablick III, G. P., Ellingson, R. G.
Performance of Longwave Radiative Transfer Models for 3D Cloud Fields ARM
Kirchstetter, T. W.
Black Carbon Reduction of Snow Albedo ASR
Li, Z.
A Consistency Analysis of ARESE Aircraft Measurements ARM
Study Aerosol Humidity Effects Using the ARM Measurements ARM
Long, C. N.
A New Method for Satellite/Surface Comparisons ARM
ARM QCRad Goes Global ARM
Challenging Work: Observing in the Arctic ARM ASR
Earth Lightens Up ARM
Long, C. N., Riihimaki, L., Vignola, F.
Analyzing the Contribution of Aerosols to an Observed Increase in Direct Normal Irradiance ARM
Long, C. N., Bucholtz, A., Jonsson, H. H., Schmid, B., Vogelmann, A. M., Wood, J.
ARM RACORO Data Produces New Radiometer Tilt Correction Method ARM
Long, C. N., Turner, D. D.
Continuous Clear-Sky Longwave from Surface Measurements ARM
Long, C. N., Wild, M., Truessel, B., Ohmura, A., Koenig-Langlo, G., Dutton, E. G., Tsvetkov, A. V.
Global Dimming and Brightening: an Update Beyond 2000 ARM
Long, C. N., Dutton, E. G., Augustine, J., Wiscombe, W. J., Wild, M., McFarlane, S. A., Flynn, C. J.
Significant Decadal Brightening over the Continental United States ARM
Long, C. N., Kishcha, P., Starobinets, B., Kalashnikova, O., Alpert, P.
Variations of Meridional Aerosol Distribution and Solar Dimming ARM
Lubin, D.
Aerosols Help Clouds Warm Up Arctic ARM
Marshak, A., Knyazikhin, Y., Chiu, J., Wiscombe, W. J.
Spectral Invariant Behavior of Zenith Radiance Around Cloud Edges Observed by ARM SWS ARM
Marshak, A.
Spectrally Invariant Approximation Within Atmospheric Radiative Transfer ARM ASR
The Apparent Bluing of Aerosols Near Clouds ARM
Marshak, A., Chiu, J., Knyazikhin, Y., Pilewskie, P., Wiscombe, W. J.
Using the ACRF Shortwave Spectrometer to Study the Transition Between Clear and Cloudy Regions ARM
Marty, C.
Downward Longwave Irradiance Uncertainty Under Arctic Atmospheres: Measurements and Modeling ARM
McFarlane, S. A.
Data from Saharan Dust Storm Reveal Model Deficiencies ARM
Island-Induced Cloud Plumes Influence Tropical Atmospheric Measurements, Surface Radiation ARM
Mcfarquhar, G., Nousiainen, T. P.
The Influence of Observed Cirrus Microphysical Properties on Shortwave Radiation: a Case Study ARM ASR
Michalsky, J. J.
A Proposed Measurement Standard for Diffuse Radiation Flux ARM
Mlawer, E. J.
Development and Recent Evaluation of the MT_CKD Model of Continuum Absorption ARM ASR
Morrison, H. C.
Unraveling the Complexity of Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds ARM ASR
Oreopoulos, L., Mlawer, E. J.
ARM Measurements Help to Evaluate Radiation Codes Used in Global Modeling ARM ASR
Petters, J. L.
Radiative-Dynamical Feedbacks in Thin Stratiform Clouds ARM ASR
Pincus, R.
An Affordable, Flexible, and More Accurate Method for Computing Radiative Transfer ARM
Pincus, R., Batstone, C., Hofmann, R. P., Taylor, K. E., Gleckler, P. J.
Measuring Climate Model Skill in Producing Present-Day Clouds ARM
Revercomb, H. E.
AERI Instrument Status and Analysis Results: 1998 ARM
AERI-ER at the SHEBA Ice Station: Far Infrared H2O Continuum ARM
ARM Program Achieves Milestone in Global Cloud Properties Research ARM
Schwartz, S. E.
Modeled Vs. Measured Direct-Normal Solar Irradiance ARM
Smith, W. L.
ARM Science Applications of AERI Measurements ARM
ARM Science Applications of AERI Measurements: 1997 Progress ARM
Spinhirne, J.
Optical Properties of the 1997 TWP Smoke Event ARM
Tomlinson, J., Long, C. N., Comstock, J. M., Ronfeld, D.
Thin Is In ARM
Turner, D. D.
"Roobik" Is Part of the Answer, Not a Puzzle ARM
Correction Method for Infrared Detector Confirmed; Error in Clear Sky Bias Condition Remains Unresolved ARM
Retrieving Dust Optical Depth and Mineral Composition from Infrared Spectra ARM
Turner, D. D., Gero, J.
A Downwelling Infrared Radiance Climatology for the ARM Southern Great Plains Site ARM
Turner, D. D., Mlawer, E. J.
Field Experiments to Improve the Treatment of Radiation in the Mid-to-Upper Troposphere ARM
First Ground-Based Spectral Observations of the Entire Infrared Band ARM ASR
Improving Water Vapor Continuum Absorption and Its Impact on a GCM Simulation ARM ASR
Turner, D. D., Loehnert, U., Cadeddu, M. P., Crewell, S., Vogelmann, A. M.
Improving Water Vapor Absorption in Microwave Radiative Transfer Models ARM
Um, J., Mcfarquhar, G.
Single-Scattering Properties of Aggregates of Bullet Rosettes in Cirrus ARM
Varnai, T., Marshak, A.
Clouds Brighten Up the Sky Near Them ARM
Varnai, T.
Multiyear Statistics of 2D Shortwave Radiative Effects at Three ARM Sites ARM
Wang, Y., Long, C. N., Mather, J. H., Liu, X.
Detangling Convective Oscillations at ARM Tropical Western Pacific Site: Manus ARM
Westwater, E. R.
Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Radiometric and Radiosonde Observations in an Arctic Environment ARM
Wiscombe, W. J.
Biases in Column Absorption for Fractal Clouds ARM
Zaveri, R.
Mexico City Carbon-Containing Particle Composition Simulated ARM ASR

Radiation Processes | Cloud Distributions/Characterizations | Surface Properties | General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations | Aerosol Properties | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures | Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD) | Vertical Velocity | Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) | Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions | Cloud Processes | Aerosol Processes

Cloud Distributions/Characterizations

Ackerman, A., Fridlind, A. M.
Understanding Ice Formation in Arctic Mixed-Phase Boundary-Layer Clouds During ISDAC ARM
Barnard, J. C., Long, C. N., Kassianov, E., McFarlane, S. A., Comstock, J. M., Freer, M., Mcfarquhar, G.
A Simple Algorithm to Find Cloud Optical Depth Applied to Thin Ice Clouds ARM
Barnard, J. C.
For Estimates of Cloud Optical Thickness, Simple Equation Is Good Enough ARM
Berg, L., Kassianov, E.
Five-Year Statistics of Shallow Clouds at the ACRF SGP Site ARM
Bretherton, C. S.
A Deeper Look Into Shallow Boundary Layer Clouds ARM
Cadeddu, M. P.
Dielectric Models of Supercooled Cloud Water Evaluated Using ARM Data ARM
Cetrone, J., Houze, R.
Anvil Clouds of Tropical Mesoscale Convective Systems in Monsoon Regions ARM
Chang, F., Minnis, P.
New Method for Retrieving Cloud Heights from Satellite Data ARM
Comstock, J. M.
Continuous Dataset of Water Vapor Measurements Throws Water on Assumptions of Cirrus Cloud Formation ARM
On Thin Ice: Retrieval Algorithms for Ice Clouds Examined for Improvements ARM
Davis, A. B.
Profiling Capability of High-Resolution Oxygen A-band Spectroscopy for Stratus Cloud Cover ARM
Wide Angle Imaging Lidar: Active Optical Sensor Technology for Ground-Based Probing of Dense Clouds ARM
de Boer, G.
Ground-Based Measurements in Support of Liquid-Dependent Ice Nucleation in Arctic Clouds ARM ASR
Del Genio, A. D.
Cloud Regimes in the TWP and Their Evolution over the MJO ARM
dong, Q.
Modeling of Scattering and Absorption by Nonspherical Cirrus ARM
Dong, X.
A Climatology of Midlatitude Continental Cloud Properties and Their Impact on the Surface Radiation Budget ARM
Observational Evidence of Changes in Water Vapor, Clouds, and Radiation ARM
Validation of CERES-MODIS Cloud Properties Using ARM Data ARM
Earle, M., Liu, P.
Factors Influencing the Microphysics and Radiative Properties of Liquid-Dominated Arctic Clouds ARM ASR
Fan, J.
Putting the Pieces Together ARM ASR
Fan, J., Ovchinnikov, M., Comstock, J. M., McFarlane, S. A., Khain, A.
Thawing the Mystery of Extra Ice Crystals ARM
Feng, Z., Dong, X.
TOA Radiation Budget of Convective Core/Stratiform Rain/Anvil Clouds from Deep Convection ARM ASR
Fridlind, A. M.
Encountering a Longstanding Cloud Physics Question in the Arctic: How Is Ice Formed in Moderately Supercooled Clouds? ARM
Fridlind, A. M., van Diedenhoven, B.
Influence of Humidified Aerosols on Lidar Depolarization Below Ice-Precipitating Arctic Clouds ARM ASR
Fridlind, A. M., Ackerman, A.
Tropical Rain Clouds Still a Challenge to Cloud-Resolving Models ARM ASR
Grabowski, W., Morrison, H. C.
Indirect Impact of Atmospheric Aerosols on an Ensemble of Deep Convective Clouds ARM
Harrington, J. Y., Avramov, A.
The Influence of Parameterized Ice Habit on Simulated Mixed-Phase Arctic Clouds ARM
Jakob, C.
ARM Sites Enable Assessment of Cluster Analysis for Identifying Cloud Regimes ARM
Kogan, Y.
A Bulk Parameterization of Giant Cloud Condensation Nuclei ARM
Using Doppler Radar to Characterize Cloud Parameters ARM
Kollias, P.
Cloud Observations at Niamey During the AMF Deployment ARM
Lamb, P. J.
Bell-Shaped Curve Captures Cloud System Variability ARM
Li, Z.
Estimating Glaciation Temperature of Deep Convective Clouds with Remote Sensing Data ARM ASR
General Macrophysical and Microphysical Properties of Deep Convective Clouds as Observed by MODIS ARM ASR
Li, Z., Chen, R., Wood, R., Chang, F., Ferraro, R.
Vertical Variation of Cloud Droplet Size Using Ship and Space-borne R/S Data ARM
Liou, K.
New Method for Three-Dimensional Imaging of Cirrus Clouds ARM
Liu, Y.
Theoretical Formulation for Cloud-to-Rain Transition ARM
Threshold Radar Reflectivity Separating Precipitating from Non-Precipitating Clouds ARM
Long, C. N.
Case Closed on Nauru Island Effect ARM ASR
Increased Accuracy for Sky Imager Retrievals ARM
Modification of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer by a Small Island: Observations from Nauru ARM
Retrieving Cloud Characteristics from Ground-Based Daytime Color All-Sky Images ARM
Long, C. N., Min, Q., Wang, T., Duan, M.
Estimating Fractional Sky Cover from Spectral Measurements ARM
Long, C. N., Dupont, J., Haeffelin, M. P.
How Much Condensed Water Does It Take to Make "Cloud?" ARM
Mace, G.
Cirrus Cloud Bimodal Size Distributions from ARM Remote Sensing Data ARM
The Vertical Structure of Cloud Radiative Forcing at the ACRF SGP Revealed by 8 Years of Continuous Measurements ARM
Marshak, A.
A Simple Stochastic Model for Generating Broken Cloud Optical Depth and Cloud Top Height Fields ARM
New Technique Successful for Measuring Thickness of Broken Clouds ARM
Matrosov, S. Y.
Estimating Cloud and Rainfall Parameters in a Vertical Column Above the ACRF SGP Site ARM
McFarlane, S. A.
Shallow Clouds Make the Case for Remote Sensing Instrumentation ARM
McFarlane, S. A., Mather, J. H., Ackerman, T. P., Liu, Z.
Shortwave Absorption in Tropical Clouds ARM
Mcfarquhar, G.
Characterizing the Co-Existence of Water and Ice in Arctic Clouds ARM
Importance of Small Ice Crystals to Cirrus Properties: Observations from TWP-ICE ARM
Observations of Microphysical Properties of Single Layer Stratocumulus During the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment ARM
Mcfarquhar, G., Nousiainen, T. P.
Small Irregular Ice Crystals in Tropical Cirrus ARM ASR
Mechem, D. B., Kogan, Y., Ovchinnikov, M., Davis, A. B., Evans, F., Ellingson, R. G.
Forcing Boundary Layer Cloud Systems with Multi-Dimensional Radiation ARM
Min, Q.
Mean and Variance Measurements of Photon Path Length in Oxygen A-Band and Water Vapor Band Provide Insight Into Radiative Transfer in Cloudy Conditions ARM
Minnis, P.
ARM Measurements Validate New Satellite Multilayer Cloud Remote Sensing Method ARM
Mitchell, D. L., d'Entremont, R. P., Lawson, P.
Estimating Cirrus Size Distributions with Help from Satellites ARM
Mitchell, D. L., Mishra, S.
Possible Impact of Homogeneous Freezing Nucleation on in Situ Measurements ARM ASR
Mitchell, D. L.
Testing and Comparing the Modified Anomalous Diffraction Approximation ARM
Morrison, H. C., Thompson, G., Tatarskii, V.
Improving the Numerical Simulation of Squall Lines ARM
Morrison, H. C.
Intercomparison of Model Simulations of Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds ARM
Snow Particle Observations in Arctic Clouds ARM
Naud, C. M., Del Genio, A. D., Mace, G., Benson, S., Clothiaux, E. E., Kollias, P.
Impact of Dynamics and Atmospheric State on Cloud Vertical Overlap ARM
Oreopoulos, L., Platnick, S.
Cloud Susceptibility Measures Potential Cloud Sensitivity to First Aerosol Indirect Effect ARM
Oreopoulos, L., Norris, P. M., Hou, A., Tao, W., Zeng, X.
Using Copulas to Model Complex Clouds ARM
Ou, S.
Remote Sensing of Cirrus Cloud Vertical Size Profile Using MODIS Data ARM
Satellite Retrievals of Mixed-phase Cloud Properties ARM
Ovchinnikov, M.
Ice Heating Up Cold Clouds ARM ASR
Prenni, A. J.
Can Ice-Nucleating Aerosols Affect Arctic Seasonal Climate? ARM
Protat, A., May, P. T., O'Connor, E. J.
Assessment of CloudSat Using ARM, AMF, and CloudNet Observations ARM
Qian, Y.
Clouds Get in the Way: How Climate Models Calculate the Effects of Clouds on Earth's Warming ARM ASR
Shupe, M.
Characterizing Clouds at Arctic Atmospheric Observatories ARM ASR
Characterizing Mixed-Phase Clouds from the Ground: a Status Report ARM
Classifying Cloud Phase ARM
Mixed-Phase Cloud Vertical Velocities and Dynamical-Microphysical Interactions ARM
Solomon, A., Shupe, M.
Cloud-Top Humidity Inversions and the Maintenance of Arctic Mixed-Phase Stratocumulus ARM
Spinhirne, J.
Cloud Boundary Detection and Analysis from Micro Pulse Lidar ARM
Stephens, G. L.
Cloud-Radiation Effects on Sea Ice Loss ARM
The Significance of Multilayer Cloud Systems in Tropical Convection ARM
Tao, W.
Using a Cloud-Resolving Model to Identify the Role of Aerosols on Clouds and Precipitation ARM
Using ARM Cloud Data to Evaluate the Effect of a Land Surface on Clouds ARM
Turner, D. D.
Quantifying the Optical Depth of Mixed-Phase Clouds Accurately with Passive Observations ARM
Um, J., Mcfarquhar, G.
Dependence of the Single-Scattering Properties of Small Ice Crystals on Idealized Shape Models ARM ASR
Single-Scattering Properties of Aggregates of Plates ARM
Varble, A.
Evaluation of CRM Intercomparison Simulations Using TWP-ICE Observations, Part 1 ARM
Walsh, J. E.
Use of ARM Products in Reanalysis Applications and IPCC Model Assessment ARM
Wiscombe, W. J.
Cloud Tomography: a Novel Method for Determining 3D Cloud Liquid Water Distribution ARM
Xie, S.
CMBE – a New ACRF Data Product for Climate Studies ARM
Yuan, J., Houze, R.
Global Variability of Mesoscale Convective System Anvil Structure from A-train Satellite Data ARM
Yue, Q., Liou, K.
Detection and Retrieval of Cirrus Clouds in the Tropics from AIRS: Validation from ARM Data ARM
Zhang, M.
Seasonal Variation of the Physical Properties of Marine Boundary Clouds ARM

Radiation Processes | Cloud Distributions/Characterizations | Surface Properties | General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations | Aerosol Properties | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures | Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD) | Vertical Velocity | Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) | Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions | Cloud Processes | Aerosol Processes

Surface Properties

Cialella, A. T.
Surface Characterization Data for the ARM SGP CART Site ARM
Del Genio, A. D.
Preferred States of the Winter Arctic Atmosphere, Surface, and Sub-Surface ARM ASR
Huang, M.
ARM SGP Observations Help Validate Soil Temperature Simulations ARM ASR
Li, Z.
Development of a New Method for Estimating Evapotranspiration Using ARM Measurements ARM
McFarlane, S. A.
New Surface Albedo Data Set Enables Improved Radiative Transfer Calculations ARM
Robock, A.
Data from DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Allows Evaluation of Surface Models ARM
Torn, M. S.
Seasonal and Interannual Variability in 13C of Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes from 2002-2009 ARM ASR

Radiation Processes | Cloud Distributions/Characterizations | Surface Properties | General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations | Aerosol Properties | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures | Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD) | Vertical Velocity | Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) | Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions | Cloud Processes | Aerosol Processes

General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations

Ackerman, T. P.
Progress in Understanding Water Vapor's Role in Models ARM
Quantifying the Magnitude of Anomalous Solar Absorption ARM
The K-Distribution Method for a SW Radiative Transfer Model ARM
Ahlgrimm, M., Forbes, R. M.
ARM Observations Guide Low-Cloud Parameterization Development in the ECMWF Model ARM ASR
Baer, F.
Intercomparison of Longwave Radiative Heating Algorithms ARM
Bergmann, D., Chuang, C.
Regional Controls on Ozone Precursors Will Have Different Impacts on Future Climate ASR
Boyle, J., Klein, S.
Impact of Horizontal Resolution on Climate Model Simulations of Tropical Moist Processes ARM
Boyle, J.
Weather Forecasting in the Tropics with Climate Models Is Feasible ARM
Cole, J. N.
Small Processes Make a Big Difference in Model Outcomes ARM
Comstock, J. M.
ARM Observations Validate Climate Model for Tropical Cirrus Clouds ARM
de Boer, G.
Ground-Based Cloud Measurements Utilized to Evaluate the Simulation of Arctic Clouds in CCSM4 ARM
Del Genio, A. D.
Modeling the Sensitivity of Convection to Tropospheric Humidity ARM ASR
Ghan, S. J.
A "Little" Respect: Droplet Nucleation Finally Included in Global Climate Model ARM
Evaluation of Simulated Clouds and Radiation at the ARM Site ARM
The Birth of a Cloud Droplet ARM ASR
Iacono, M. J., Collins, W. D.
Adoption of RRTMG in the NCAR CAM5 and CESM1 Global Climate Models ARM
Iacono, M. J., Delamere, J. S., Mlawer, E. J., Collins, W. D.
Radiative Forcing by Long-Lived Greenhouse Gases: Calculations with the AER Models ARM
Jakob, C.
Probabilistic Approach Useful for Evaluating Cloud System Models ARM
Kiehl, J.
Modeling Cloud Forcing in the Tropical West Pacific ARM
Klein, S., Morrison, H. C., McCoy, R. B., Xie, S., Luo, Y., Ackerman, A., Avramov, A., de Boer, G., Chen, M., Cole, J. N., Del Genio, A. D., Falk, M., Foster, M. J., Fridlind, A. M., Golaz, J., Hashino, T., Harrington, J. Y., Hoose, C., Khairoutdinov, M. F., Larson, V., Liu, X., Mcfarquhar, G., Menon, S., Neggers, R., Park, S., Poellot, M. R., Schmidt, J., Sednev, I., Shipway, B., Shupe, M., Spangenberg, D. A., Sud, Y. C., Turner, D. D., Veron, D. E., von Salzen, K., Walker, G., Wang, Z., Wolf, A. B., Xu, K., Yang, F., Zhang, G.
To Be or Not to Be Liquid? the Challenge of Arctic Mixed-Phase Cloud Modeling ARM
Klein, S.
Weather Forecasts Help to Understand Climate Model Biases ARM
Lin, Y.
A New Bulk Microphysical Scheme That Includes Riming Intensity and Temperature Dependent Ice Ch ARM
Comparing Global Atmospheric Model Simulations of Tropical Convection ARM ASR
Parameterization of Riming Intensity and Its Impact on Ice Fall Speed Using ARM Data ARM
Liu, X.
Evaluation of a New Mixed-Phase Cloud Microphysics Parameterization with SCAM, CAPT Forecasts and M-PACE Observations ARM
Liu, Y.
General Formulation for Representing Cloud-to-Rain Transition in Atmospheric Models ARM
Mace, G.
Critical Evaluation of the ICARUS Portion of the ISCCP Simulator Using ARM Data ARM
McFarlane, S. A.
Sub-Grid Scale Cloud Variability Affects Vertical Structure of Clouds and Radiative Heating ARM
Mcfarquhar, G.
Tropical Ice Cloud Simulations Using Scripps Single Column Model (SCM) Reveal Range of Model Uncertainties ARM
Menon, S.
Black Carbon Aerosols and the Third Polar Ice Cap ARM
Mitchell, D. L.
Effective Diameter in Ice Clouds and Its Application to Terrestrial Radiation ARM ASR
Mitchell, D. L., Rasch, P., Ivanova, D., Mcfarquhar, G., Nousiainen, T. P.
Impact of Small Ice Crystals on Ice Sedimentation Rates in Cirrus Clouds and GCM Simulations ARM
Mitchell, D. L., Mishra, S.
Parameterizing the Ice Fall Speed in Climate Models: Results from TC4 and ISDAC ARM ASR
Morcrette, J. J.
ARM-Funded Algorithms Lead to Marked Improvements in Global Weather Forecast Model ARM
Morrison, H. C.
Comparison of Microphysics Schemes in Idealized Supercell Thunderstorm Simulations ARM ASR
Pawlak, D. T.
Splitting the Solar Spectrum: Sometimes Less Is Better Than More ARM
Pritchard, M. S.
Progress Towards Climate Projections of Central U.S. Rainfall Using a Global Model with Embedded Explicit Convection ARM ASR
Randall, D. A.
Tests of Single-Column Models with ARM Data ARM
Sednev, I., Menon, S., Mcfarquhar, G.
Simulating Mixed-Phase Clouds: Sensitivity to Ice Initiation ARM
Soden, B. J.
"Radiance Assimilation" Correction Method Improves Water Vapor Radiosonde Observations in the Upper Troposphere ARM
Somerville, R. C.
Single-Column Modeling, GCM Parameterizations and ARM Data ARM
The Icy Business of Calculating Cirrus Clouds ARM
Validating Single Column Models with ARM Data ARM
Turner, D. D.
ARM Program Research Improves Longwave Radiative Transfer Models ARM
Cloud Phase Determination Using Ground-Based AERI Observations at SHEBA ARM
Wang, W., Liu, X.
Improving Cloud Parameterizations in Climate Models: Implications from CAM3 and WRF Simulations ARM
Wang, Y., Long, C. N., Leung, L., Dudhia, J., McFarlane, S. A., Mather, J. H., Ghan, S. J., Liu, X.
Evaluating Cloud Microphysics in High-Resolution WRF Simulations for Next Generation Climate Models ARM
Xie, S.
An Assessment of the ECMWF Model over the Arctic Land Using Observations from the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment ARM
ARM M-PACE Data Used to Evaluate and Improve Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds Simulated in Climate Models ARM
Many Forecast Errors Are Climate Errors ASR
Seasonal Case Studies Reveal Significant Variance in Large-Scale Forcing Data ARM
Weather Prediction and Climate Simulation: a Meeting of the Models ARM
Xie, S., Zhang, M.
Precipitation Forecast Improved with a New Convective Triggering Mechanism ARM
Xu, K.
Cloud Ensemble Simulation with the ARM IOP Data ARM
Zeng, X., Tao, W.
Estimating the Ice Crystal Enhancement Factor in the Tropics ARM ASR
Zeng, X., Tao, W., Zhang, M., Hou, A., Xie, S., Lang, S. E., Li, X., Starr, D. O.
Ice Nuclei and Global Warming ARM
Zhang, G. J.
Improving Convection Parameterization Using ARM Observations and NCAR Community Atmosphere Model ARM
Tackling Tropical Convection in Climate Models ARM
Zhang, Y., Klein, S.
Evaluate the Diurnal Cycle in the Multiscale Modeling Framework Using Satellite and ARM Data ARM
Zhang, Y.
Mechanisms Affecting the Transition from Shallow to Deep Convection over Land ARM
Zhao, M., Wang, Z.
Comparison of Arctic Clouds Between ECMWF Simulations and ARM Observations at the NSA ARM ASR

Radiation Processes | Cloud Distributions/Characterizations | Surface Properties | General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations | Aerosol Properties | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures | Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD) | Vertical Velocity | Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) | Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions | Cloud Processes | Aerosol Processes

Aerosol Properties

Alexandrov, M. D.
Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosols Using MFRSR Measurements ARM
Andrews, E.
ARM Program Surface Measurements for Aerosol Profiles Shown to Represent Integrated Column Measurements ARM
Berg, L.
Observations of the First Aerosol Indirect Effect in Shallow Cumuli ARM
Bond, T., Rood, M. J.
Laboratory-Measured Optical Properties of Primary Organic Aerosol for Humidities Up to 95% ARM ASR
Chuang, C.
Influence of Dust Composition on Cloud Droplet Formation ARM
Daum, P.
Anthropogenic Aerosols: a Clearer Understanding ARM
DeMott, P. J., Liu, X.
Ice Nucleation Link to Aerosols for Global Models ARM
Fast, J. .
Weather and Atmospheric Overview During Study of Natural and Urban Emissions (CARES) ARM ASR
Ferrare, R. A.
Raman Lidar Observations of Aerosol Humidification Near Clouds ARM
Flynn, C. J.
Aerosols Help Heat Up the Yangtze River Delta in China ARM ASR
Jimenez, J.
New Characterization of Organic Aerosol Evolution Will Help Improve Models ARM ASR
Kassianov, E., Ovchinnikov, M.
Atmospheric Aerosol Measurements on Cloudy Days: a New Method ARM
Kassianov, E.
Cumuli Impact on Solar Radiation at Surface: Spectral Changes ARM ASR
Lacis, A. A.
Effects of Relative Humidity on Aerosols—Implications for Climate ARM
Lamb, P. J.
Broadband Albedo Observations in the Southern Great Plains ARM
Laskin, A., Fast, J. .
Atmospheric Sea Salt and Anthropogenic Organic Pollutants Mix to Lose ARM ASR
Li, Z.
First Observation-Based Estimates of Cloud-Free Aerosol Radiative Forcing Across China ARM ASR
Martin, S. T.
CCN Activity and Mixing Rules of Isoprene Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) and Sulfate ARM
Martin, S.
Modeled Compared to Measured O:C and H:C Elemental Ratios of Secondary Organic Material ARM ASR
McComiskey, A. C.
Direct Aerosol Forcing: Calculation from Observables and Sensitivities to Inputs ARM
Quantifying Error in the Radiative Forcing of the First Aerosol Indirect Effect ARM
McMurry, P. .
First Measurements of Neutral Atmospheric Cluster and 1-2 Nm Particle Number Distributions During Nucleation Events ARM ASR
Michalsky, J. J.
Climatology of Aerosol Optical Depth in North‐Central Oklahoma: 1992–2008 ARM ASR
Min, Q.
Mineral Dust Altering Cloud Microphysics and Precipitation ARM
Penner, J. E., Lee, S.
Aerosol Effects on Liquid-Water Path of Thin Stratocumulus Clouds ARM
Penner, J. E.
Climate Warming Due to Soot and Smoke? Maybe Not. ARM
Initial Aerosol Concentration Is Key Contributor to Low-Level Cloud Reflectivity ARM
Rotstayn, L.
Hemispherical Simulations Show Impact of Aerosols on Cloud Reflectivity ARM
Sassen, K.
Dust in the Wind... and the Clouds... and the Atmosphere ARM
Schmid, B.
Arctic Aerosol Study Flies By ARM
Schwartz, S. E.
Production Flux of Sea-Spray Aerosol ARM
Sheridan, P.
Aerosol Experiment Results Featured in Technical Journal ARM
Smith, J., McMurry, P. .
New Insight on the Atmosphere’s Tiniest Particles ARM ASR

Radiation Processes | Cloud Distributions/Characterizations | Surface Properties | General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations | Aerosol Properties | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures | Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD) | Vertical Velocity | Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) | Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions | Cloud Processes | Aerosol Processes

Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures

Cady-Pereira, K. E., Mlawer, E. J., Turner, D. D., Shephard, M. W., Clough, S. A.
Improved Daytime Precipitable Water Vapor from Vaisala Radiosonde Humidity Sensors ARM
Crewell, S., Loehnert, U., Turner, D. D., Ebell, K.
Quantifying the Number of Independent Pieces of Information in Profiles ARM
Ghan, S. J.
Improved Simulation of Boundary Layer Clouds ARM
Hagos, S. M.
Atmospheric Moistening by Clouds Sustains Madden-Julian Oscillation ARM ASR
Ivanova, K., Ackerman, T. P.
Structure of Cirrus Properties and Its Coupling with the State of the Large-Scale Atmosphere ARM
Jensen, M.
Environmental Thermodynamics Affect Radiative Impact of Deep Convective Cloud Systems ARM
Kneifel, S., Crewell, S., Loehnert, U., Schween, J. H.
Investigating Water Vapor Variability by Ground-Based Microwave Radiometry ARM
Liljegren, J. C.
A Comparison of Integrated Water Vapor Sensors: WVIOP-96 ARM
Evaluation of Microwave Radiometer Performance in Alaska ARM
Integrated Water Vapor and Cloud Liquid Water at MCTEX ARM
Lovejoy, S.
Multifractal Analysis of Radiation in Clouds: 5000km to 50cm ARM
Pincus, R.
Out with the Old, in with the New: McICA to Replace Traditional Cloud Overlap Assumptions ARM
Stephens, G. L.
Self-Regulation Strikes a Balance Between Hydrological Cycle, Radiation Processes, and Intraseasonal Dynamic Variations ARM
Westwater, E. R.
Comparisons Between Radiosondes and Remote Sensors During the 2004 NSA Arctic Winter Radiometric Experiment ARM
Tropical Radiosonde Comparisons May Improve Past and Present Humidity Data ARM
Xie, S.
Large-Scale Structures and Diabatic Heating and Drying Profiles Revealed by TWP-ICE ARM

Radiation Processes | Cloud Distributions/Characterizations | Surface Properties | General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations | Aerosol Properties | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures | Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD) | Vertical Velocity | Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) | Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions | Cloud Processes | Aerosol Processes

Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD)

Marshak, A.
Using Lidars to Retrieve Optical Depth of Thick Clouds ARM
Oreopoulos, L., Feingold, G., Koren, I., Remer, L.
The Surprisingly Large Contribution of Small Marine Clouds to Cloud Fraction and Reflectance ARM
Turner, D. D.
A Surprising Problem with Thin Liquid Water Clouds ARM
Improved Accuracy in Liquid Water Path Retrievals ARM
Paper on Clouds with Small Amount of Liquid Water Amount Ranked as "Hot" ARM

Radiation Processes | Cloud Distributions/Characterizations | Surface Properties | General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations | Aerosol Properties | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures | Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD) | Vertical Velocity | Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) | Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions | Cloud Processes | Aerosol Processes

Vertical Velocity

Chandra, A. S.
Long-Term Observations of Convective Boundary Layer Using Insect Returns at SGP ARM
Giangrande, S., Luke, E., Kollias, P.
Vertical Air Motion Measurements in Large–Scale Precipitation ARM

Radiation Processes | Cloud Distributions/Characterizations | Surface Properties | General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations | Aerosol Properties | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures | Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD) | Vertical Velocity | Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) | Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions | Cloud Processes | Aerosol Processes

Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP)

Radiation Processes | Cloud Distributions/Characterizations | Surface Properties | General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations | Aerosol Properties | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures | Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD) | Vertical Velocity | Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) | Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions | Cloud Processes | Aerosol Processes

Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions

Fan, J.
Pollution + Storm Clouds = Warmer Atmosphere ARM ASR
Li, Z.
The Long-Term Impacts of Aerosols on the Vertical Development of Clouds and Precipitation ARM ASR
To Rain or Not to Rain...Aerosols May Be the Answer ASR
Liu, X.
Predicting Arctic Sea Ice Loss ARM ASR
McComiskey, A. C.
What Exactly Do Metrics for Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Represent? ARM ASR
Mcfarquhar, G.
How Aerosols Affect Cloud Properties in Arctic Mixed-Phase Stratocumulus ARM ASR
Morrison, H. C.
Simulating the Impact of Aerosols on Tropical Deep Convection ARM
Zhao, C., Klein, S.
CAM5 Shows Reasonable Aerosol First Indirect Effects on Non-Precipitating Low Liquid Clouds ARM ASR

Radiation Processes | Cloud Distributions/Characterizations | Surface Properties | General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations | Aerosol Properties | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures | Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD) | Vertical Velocity | Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) | Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions | Cloud Processes | Aerosol Processes

Cloud Processes

Del Genio, A. D.
Memo from Real World to Cumulus Parameterizations: Get Organized! ARM ASR
Fridlind, A. M., Ackerman, A.
Buffering of Ice Crystal Number Concentration to Ice Nucleus Abundance Above Arctic Stratus ARM
Fridlind, A. M., Smith-Mrowiec, A. A.
Cloud-Resolving Model (CRM) Simulations: Robust Results for Use in Climate Model Development ARM ASR
Long, C. N., May, P. T.
Diurnal Cycle of Monsoon Clouds, Precipitation, and Surface Radiation ARM ASR
Wang, M.
How to Catch Aerosols in the Act ASR

Radiation Processes | Cloud Distributions/Characterizations | Surface Properties | General Circulation and Single Column Models/Parameterizations | Aerosol Properties | Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures | Clouds with Low Optical [Water] Depths (CLOWD) | Vertical Velocity | Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) | Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions | Cloud Processes | Aerosol Processes

Aerosol Processes

Bergmann, D., Chuang, C.
Modelling Future Changes in Surface Ozone: a Parameterized Approach ASR
Song, C.
A Dance of Aerosols ASR
Zhang, Q.
Impact of Anthropogenic Emissions on Organic Aerosols During CARES ARM ASR