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Machine Guarding

Amputation is one of the most severe and crippling types of injuries in the occupational workplace, often resulting in permanent disability. A review of Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) annual survey data, National Institutes of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) data, and OSHA Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) data indicates that amputation injuries are widespread throughout many industries and involve a wide range of activities and equipment.

Approximately one-half of all amputations occur in the manufacturing sector, while the remaining amputations are distributed among industry divisions including construction, wholesale trade, retail trade, services, etc. Stationary and portable machinery is the primary cause of the amputations.

This eTool focuses on the machines most frequently involved in amputation and other type of machine related injuries. The purpose of the eTool is to help employers and employees, regulatory agencies, and other interested parties recognize and control common amputation hazards associated with the operation and use of certain types of machines.

Amputation Statistics:

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