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Description: Indicates the range of concentration of the toxic chemical in the fourth waste stream as it typically enters the waste treatment step or sequence. The concentration is based on the amount or mass of the toxic chemical in the waste stream as compared to the total amount or mass of the waste stream and is determined prior to the application of any waste management methods. Facilities report using one of the following five codes:
1 = >10,000 ppm (1%)
2 = 100 ppm - 10,000 ppm (.01% - 1%)
3 = 1 ppm - 100 ppm (.0001% - .01%)
4 = 1 ppb - 1 ppm
5 = <1 ppb

Envirofacts Table Name(s):
Data Source:
  • Data Element:
  • ADABAS File:

  • Type:CHAR
  • Length:2

Definition Source:TRI Data Dictionary

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