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Description: The generic term used in place of the toxic chemical name when a trade secret was claimed for the toxic chemical by the supplier of the toxic chemical. This is generally used when the supplier of a chemical formulation wishes to keep the identity of a particular ingredient in the formulation a secret. It is only used when the supplier, not the reporting facility, is claiming the trade secret. If the reporting facility is claiming a trade secret for the toxic chemical, the generic name is prov ided in Section 1.3 (GENERIC_CHEM_NAME) and this section (MIXTURE_NAME) is left blank. This space will also be left blank if a trade secret is not being claimed for the toxic chemical.

Envirofacts Table Name(s):
Data Source:
  • Data Element:
  • ADABAS File:

  • Type:CHAR
  • Length:70

Definition Source:TRI Data Dictionary

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