American Morning

American Morning

Tune in at 6am Eastern for all the news you need to start your day.
December 30th, 2011
08:12 PM ET

Goodbye American Morning, Hello Early Start and Starting Point

The show "American Morning" was created in the months following the Sept. 11th attacks. Though it has had many incarnations over the years, the show's staff has worked endlessly to provide the best news to our viewers in the morning.

You may have heard that we're morphing into two new shows. Starting Monday, January 2nd, in our time slot you'll see Early Start with Ashleigh Banfield & Zoraida Sambolin from 5am to 7am Eastern, and Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien from 7am to 9am Eastern.

The new shows will be produced by many members of the old AM family, and a few new awesome additions. Though the name and the look is different, our goal is the same.

To our AM viewers, we appreciate your loyalty over the years and we hope you'll be as excited for our new shows as we are. For newcomers, we hope you stick along for the ride...because it's going to be a great one.

Have a very happy, healthy and safe New Year and we'll see you on January 2nd, 2012.

–AM staff

P.S. you can follow our new shows on Twitter and Facebook!

Early Start with Ashleigh Banfield & Zoraida Sambolin
Twitter: @earlystartcnn

Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien
Twitter: @startingptcnn

Filed under: American Morning
December 30th, 2011
07:47 PM ET

Countdown to Iowa Caucuses

CNN contributors Will Cain and Maria Cardona on the home stretch for candidates before the Iowa caucuses.

Filed under: 2012
December 30th, 2011
07:46 PM ET

NYPD commissioner Kelly on security measures for New Year's Eve in Times Square

NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly talks about security measures taken for the New Year's Eve celebrations in Times Square.

Filed under: American Morning
December 30th, 2011
07:42 PM ET

CAIR's Awad explains why Muslim leaders snubbing NYC Mayor

Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, on claims the NYPD spies on Muslim communities.

Filed under: American Morning
December 30th, 2011
07:40 PM ET

Travel predictions for 2012 with Travel + Leisure's Sara Spagnolo

Travel + Leisure's Sarah Spagnolo offers predictions and tips for dealing with traveling in 2012.

Filed under: 2012 • Travel
December 28th, 2011
09:40 AM ET

Will negative attacks work in Iowa? Two commentators explain

Things have taken a decidedly negative turn with 2012 GOP presidential candidates in Iowa, but no candidate has been able to land a "telling" blow.

With less than three in 10 Iowans saying they've made their final choice already, there are an awful lot of hearts and minds still to be won in the Hawkeye State.

This morning on American Morning, we ask conservative commentator Tara Wall and democratic strategist Maria Cardona to break down the GOP race as it stands and look at the week ahead in Iowa.

Filed under: 2012 • GOP • Politics
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