Research Highlight Submittal Form

Tell us about your research! This form is designed to collect summary information about working group research results. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the administrators.

(if applicable):
Your reference from the Publications Database. Limit two references. If you have not submit the references, please it now.

(To select more than one, shift+enter.)

(There is a 95 character limit.)

(Limit two contacts; contributors will be visible in the journal reference.)

Please limit the total of your introduction, main discussion, and conclusion to 5000 characters (this includes blank/white spaces). If you would like to include scientific characters or any other special characters, please use the ISO 8859-1 standard for HTML conversion or spell it out. For assistance with characters conversion, contact the administrators.

(You have 5000 characters left.)

Only images in JPEG, BMP, GIF, or PNG can be accepted up to 10 Mb. The image caption is limited to 500 characters.
Read the "Tips and Tricks" before uploading multiple images to Research Highlights.