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The Stump: Oregon Opinion Articles

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Voters should add Brent Barton, Shemia Fagan and Jeff Reardon to House: Editorial endorsement

brent barton

By The Oregonian Editorial Board

October 16, 2012, 3:45PM
Clackamas County voters can bolster their House presence with three additions and by sending two Republicans and two Democrats back to the state Capitol  Full story »

Letters: Toward school success, a new start in life, Wood Village casino, freedom from religion

By Letters to the editor

October 16, 2012, 8:00PM
Personally, I join Mark Twain and countless others in running the other direction when approached by proselytizers of any religion.  Full story »

Harry Reid diminishes his office with involvement in Nevada race


By Syndicated columns

October 16, 2012, 5:30PM
Dana Milbank writes: The most powerful man in the U.S. Senate wanted to use his enormous megaphone to beat up on a Republican businessman running for a House seat in Reid's home state of Nevada. Full story »

Which presidential candidate is the better salesman?


By Syndicated columns

October 16, 2012, 5:15PM
Rich Lowry writes: There is a delicious irony in Obama's aides complaining of someone else's superior salesmanship. Do they have no self-awareness? They might want to reacquaint themselves with how Barack Obama became president. Full story »

Hillary Clinton does the right thing by taking responsibility for Libya attacks


By Syndicated columns

October 16, 2012, 2:50PM
Kathleen Parker writes: She manned up. She took responsibility for the attacks at the Benghazi compound. Good for the secretary of state. Full story »

Social media at school, Lance Armstrong, House endorsements: Opinion roundup


By Len Reed, The Oregonian

October 16, 2012, 5:16AM
Lance Armstrong's betrayal. Teacher-student contact via computers. Washington County endorsements for Oregon's House of Representatives. Full story »

Longshore union faces the grain monopolies: Will labor solidarity prevail?

By Guest Columnist

October 16, 2012, 5:00AM
Jack Heyman writes: In the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, grain monopolies are boasting record profits, yet they're demanding major concessions from the longshoremen who do the dangerous work of loading ships. So, who's the real culprit?  Full story »

Portland arts tax would promote education access for all

By Letters to the editor

October 16, 2012, 4:00AM
Grace Groom writes: The folks who make less money will be the ones benefiting from the tax in the form of more arts education in their schools, as well as lower-cost or free programs by arts groups funded through Regional Arts & Culture Council grants to increase arts access for all.  Full story »

Letters: Paper or plastic?, a budget balancing act, overseas opportunity, fostering independence

By Letters to the editor

October 15, 2012, 8:00PM
Like all of our forebears, they too have the opportunity to achieve their version of paradise, but it is not going to happen the instant they arrive here. My grandfather came to America believing the streets would be paved with gold. Full story »

Katie Eyre and Jeff Barker deserve to win tough races: Editorial endorsement

katie eyre

By The Oregonian Editorial Board

October 15, 2012, 5:47PM
Endorsements in other Washington County House races include newcomer John Davis and five incumbents. Full story »

Skydiving advertising in space


By The Oregonian News Network

October 15, 2012, 11:30AM
Partner and satirist Matt Bors says today's kids can be any form of advertising they want.  Full story »
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