Conference Documents

Conference documents include abstracts published in ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings and papers or presentations published in other conference publications.

ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings

The ARM Program held an annual Science Team meeting from 1991 to 2009. ARM Science Team members, members of the infrastructure, and selected individuals outside the ARM Program were invited to attend the meeting and present posters and formal presentations to share research results available. These results were then shared here. In fiscal year 2010, the ARM science program merged with the Atmospheric Science Program to become Atmospheric System Research. Science team proceedings are now available on their ASR publications website.

In addition to the Science Team meeting, ARM staff attend and are invited to present at other scientific meetings and conferences throughout the year. Papers and presentations for those meetings are also published when submitted.

Other Conference Papers

The ARM Climate Research Facility should be properly acknowledged in your conference publications (e.g., American Meteorological Society [AMS], American Geophysical Union [AGU]). Please send a copy of your paper or presentation to the ARM Technical Director's office.