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National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)

   Current Section  Laws, Regs, & Guidance
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Legislation, Regulations and Guidance


Education Department Guide to Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)

Program Regulations: EDGAR; General Education Department Guide to Administrative

NIDRR-Specific Code of Federal Regulations

Note: All citations to the Code of Federal Regulations below come from the Electronic Version of the Code of Federal Regulations maintained by the U.S. Government Printing Office. disclaimer

The Code of Federal Regulations (known as CFR) are the rules that help translate the intent of a Law into broad agency operating guidelines. The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) has its own set of Code of Federal Regulations that describe how our research funding mechanisms should operate. A bullet list of these regulations is listed below by research funding mechanism:


NIDRR Legislation by Program
NIDRR Program Legislation Page
84.133A—Disability and Rehabilitation Research Program Legislation
84.133B—Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers Legislation
84.133E—Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers Legislation
84.133F—Mary E. Switzer Fellowships Legislation
84.133G—Field-Initiated Program Legislation
84.133N—Model Spinal Cord Injury Systems Legislation
84.133P—Advanced Rehabilitation Research and Training Program Legislation
84.133S—Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase I and Phase II legislation compiled by the Institute for Education Sciences Legislation

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Last Modified: 05/31/2012