United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Commission Papers (SECY) for 2002

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Description Date
SECY-02-0227 Litigation Report - 2002 - 4 12/31/2002
SECY-02-0226 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 27, 2002 01/02/2003
SECY-02-0225 Proposed Criteria for the Treatment of Individual Requirements in a Regulatory Analysis 12/27/2002
SECY-02-0224 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 20, 2002 12/24/2002
SECY-02-0221 Final Rule to Standardize the Process for Allowing a Licensee to Release Part of Its Reactor Facility or Site for Unrestricted Use Before NRC Has Approved Its License Termination Plan 12/20/2002
SECY-02-0220 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 13, 2002 12/20/2002
SECY-02-0218 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 6, 2002 12/16/2002
SECY-02-0216 Proposed Process for Providing Information on Significant Nuclear Materials Issues and Adverse Licensee Performance 12/11/2002
SECY-02-0214 Guidance on the Use of Effective Dose Equivalent in External Dose Assessments 12/04/2002
SECY-02-0213 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 29, 2002 12/06/2002
SECY-02-0210 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 22, 2002 11/27/2002
SECY-02-0206 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 15, 2002 11/22/2002
SECY-02-0204 Update of Uranium Recovery Guidance Documents 11/15/2002
SECY-02-0201 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 8, 2002 11/14/2002
SECY-02-0199 Denial of Petition for Rulemaking to Use Information from Prior Licensing Actions as Resolved Information for Early Site Permit and Combined License Applications (PRM-52-1) 11/08/2002
SECY-02-0198 Changes in Staff Regulatory Oversight of Decommissioning Commercial Nuclear Power Reactor Plants 11/08/2002
SECY-02-0197 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 1, 2002 11/07/2002
SECY-02-0196 Recommendations Stemming from the Systematic Assessment of Exemptions from Licensing in 10 CFR parts 30 and 40; and a Rulemaking Plan for Risk-informing 10 CFR Parts 30, 31, and 32 11/01/2002
SECY-02-0194 Options for Addressing Part 35 Training and Experience Issues Associated With Recognition of Speciality Boards by NRC 10/30/2002
SECY-02-0193 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 25, 2002 10/29/2002
SECY-02-0191 Status of the Entombment Option for Power Reactors 10/25/2002
SECY-02-0189 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 18, 2002 10/23/2002
SECY-02-0187 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 11, 2002 10/17/2002
SECY-02-0186 Status Report on Performance-Based Approaches to Regulation 10/15/2002
SECY-02-0182 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Briefing 10/09/2002
SECY-02-0181 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 4, 2002 10/10/2002
SECY-02-0180 Legal and Financial Policy Issues Associated with Licensing New Nuclear Power Plants 10/07/2002
SECY-02-0179 Final Rule: Material Control and Accounting Amendments 10/02/2002
SECY-02-0178 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 27, 2002 10/02/2002
SECY-02-0177 Initial Analysis and Plan for Addressing License Termination Rule Issues 10/01/2002
SECY-02-0176 Proposed Rulemaking to Add New Section 10 CFR 50.69, "Risk-Informed Categorization and Treatment of Structures, Systems, and Components" (WITS 199900061) 09/30/2002
SECY-02-0175 Denial of Petition for Rulemaking to Eliminate Review of Alternative Sites, Alternative Energy Sources and Need for Power in Nuclear Power Reactor Siting and Licensing Reviews (PRM-52-2) 09/27/2002
SECY-02-0174 Litigation Report - 2002 - 3 09/27/2002
SECY-02-0173 Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes -- Update on Committee Activites 09/24/2002
SECY-02-0172 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 20, 2002 09/25/2002
SECY-02-0171 Licensing Support Network Program Administration - Semiannual Report 09/24/2002
SECY-02-0169 2002 Annual Update - Status of Decommissioning Program 09/18/2002
SECY-02-0168 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 13, 2002 09/20/2002
SECY-02-0166 Policy Options and Recommendations for Revising the NRC's Process for Handling Discrimination Issues 09/12/2002
SECY-02-0165 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 6, 2002 09/11/2002
SECY-02-0162 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 30, 2002 09/05/2002
SECY-02-0159 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 23, 2002 08/28/2002
SECY-02-0158 Litigation Report - 2002 - 02 08/22/2002
SECY-02-0156 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 16, 2002 08/22/2002
SECY-02-0155 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 9, 2002 08/15/2002
SECY-02-0150 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 2, 2002 08/07/2002

Proposed Bulletin, "Reactor Pressure Vessel Head And Vessel Head Penetrations Inspection Programs"

SECY-02-0148 Summary of Activities Related to Generic Safety Issues 08/02/2002
SECY-02-0147 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 26, 2002 08/01/2002
SECY-02-0144 Process Used to Determine When Further Research on A Particular Item Should be Closed or Terminated 07/26/2002
SECY-02-0143 Assessment of the Possible Effects of Nuclear Industry Consolidation on NRC Oversight 07/26/2002
SECY-02-0142 Status of the General License Program 07/24/2002
SECY-02-0141 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 19, 2002 07/24/2002
SECY-02-0139 Plan for Resolving Policy Issues Related to Licensing Non-Light Water Reactor Designs 07/22/2002
SECY-02-0138 Denial of Petition for Rulemaking on Mandatory Submittal of Performance Indicator Information Needed for the Reactor Oversight Process (PRM-50-72) 07/22/2002
SECY-02-0135 Final Rule: 10 CFR Part 63: Specification of a Probability for Unlikely Features, Events, and Processes 07/17/2002
SECY-02-0134 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 12, 2002 07/18/2002
SECY-02-0133 Control of Solid Materials: Options and Recommendations for Proceeding 07/15/2002
SECY-02-0132 Proposed Rule: Revision of 10 CFR 50.48 to Permit Light-Water Reactors to Voluntarily Adopt National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 805, " Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light-Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants, 2001 Edition" (NFPA 805) as an Alternative Set of Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Fire Protection Requirements (WITS 199900032) 07/15/2002
SECY-02-0131 Update of the Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan 07/12/2002
SECY-02-0130 Status of Proposed Amendments to Emergency Preparedness Regulations in 10 CFR 50 Appendix E 07/12/2002
SECY-02-0127 Proposed Response to State of Ohio on Its Assured Isolation Storage Facility Draft Rules


SECY-02-0126 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 5, 2002


SECY-02-0125 Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes -- Results of the October 29, 2001, and the February 20, 2002 Meetings


SECY-02-0123 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 28, 2002


SECY-02-0122 Staff Review Guidance for Gaseous Diffusion Plant Changes in Ownership or Control 07/01/2002
SECY-02-0116 Proposed Rule: 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70: Financial Assurance Amendments for Materials Licensees 06/27/2002
SECY-02-0115 Effectiveness and Efficiency Plan for Power Uprates 06/27/2002
SECY-02-0114 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 21, 2002


SECY-02-0112 NRC Review of Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Draft Incidental Waste (Waste Incidental to Reprocessing) Determination for Sodium-bearing Waste 06/21/2002
SECY-02-0111 Proposed Rule to Amend 10 CFR Part 35 to Require Licensees to Notify NRC or an Individual Receiving a Dose Exceeding 50 Millisieverts (5 REM) From a Patient Released Under 10 CFR 35.75 06/21/2002
SECY-02-0108 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 14, 2002 06/20/2002
SECY-02-0107 Addendum to SECY-02-0074: "National Materials Program: Pilot Projects" 06/18/2002
SECY-02-0106 Review of ACRS Recommendations for the Staff to Develop a Standard Review Plan for Power Uprate Reviews 06/16/2002
SECY-02-0102 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 7, 2002 06/13/2002
SECY-02-0099 Litigation Report - 2002 - 1 06/03/2002
SECY-02-0098 Status of the Staff's Evaluation of the Possible Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Agency's Enforcement Program 06/04/2002
SECY-02-0097 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 31, 2002 06/06/2002
SECY-02-0096 Direct Final Rule on Electronic Maintenance and Submission of Information 06/04/2002
SECY-02-0095 Applicability of Section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act to Material at the Sequoyah Fuels Corporation Uranium Conversion Facility 06/04/2002
SECY-02-0092 Status Report: Risk Metrics and Criteria for Pressurized Thermal Shock 05/30/2002
SECY-02-0091 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 24, 2002 06/03/2002
SECY-02-0090 Proposed Regulatory Framework and Cost Estimates for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulation of Nuclear Safety at the US Department of Energy's Non-Defense Science Laboratories 05/24/2002
SECY-02-0089 Revised Draft Nureg-1633 and Public Information Brochure on Potassium Iodide (KI) For the General Public 05/22/2002
SECY-02-0088 Turkey Point Nuclear Plants, Units 3 and 4, Renewal of Full-Power Operating Licenses 05/17/2002
SECY-02-0087 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 17, 2002 05/23/2002
SECY-02-0086 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 10, 2002 05/16/2002
SECY-02-0084 Final Rule on Decommissioning Trust Provisions 05/15/2002
SECY-02-0081 Staff Activities Related to the NRC Goal of Reducing Unnecessary Regulatory Burden on Power Reactor Licensees 05/13/2002
SECY-02-0080 Proposed Rulemaking—Risk-Informed 10 CFR 50.44 "Combustible Gas Control In Containment" (WITS 20010003) 05/13/2002
SECY-02-0078 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 3, 2002 05/09/2002
SECY-02-0077 Proposed Rule to Update 10 CFR 52, "Early Site Permits, Standard Design Certifications, and Combined Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants" 05/08/2002
SECY-02-0076 Semi-Annual Update of the Future Licensing and Inspection Readiness Assessment (FLIRA) 05/08/2002
SECY-02-0074 National Materials Program: Pilot Projects 05/03/2002
SECY-02-0073 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 26, 2002 05/02/2002
SECY-02-0071 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 19, 2002 04/26/2002
SECY-02-0070 Publication of Revisions 1 to Regulatory Guide 1.174 and SRP Chapter 19 and Notice of a Staff Plan for Endorsing Consensus Probabilistic Risk Assessment Standards and Industry Peer Review Programs 04/24/2002
SECY-02-0069 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 12, 2002 04/19/2002
SECY-02-0068 Proposed Rule on Financial Information Requirements for Applications to Renew or Extend the Term of an Operating License for a Power Reactor 04/19/2002
SECY-02-0067 Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) for Operational Programs (Programmatic ITAAC) 04/05/2002
SECY-02-0066 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 5, 2002 04/12/2002
SECY-02-0064 Results from Pilot Program for NMSS Initiative on Streamlining Inspection and Enforcement 04/15/2002
SECY-02-0062 Calendar Year 2001 Reactor Oversight Process Self Assessment 04/03/2002
SECY-02-0061 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 29, 2002 04/05/2002
SECY-02-0060 Proposed Policy on Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meeting 04/29/2002
SECY-02-0059 Use of Design Acceptance Criteria for the AP1000 Standard Plant Design 04/01/2002
SECY-02-0058 Results of the Industry Trends Program for Operating Power Reactors and Status of Ongoing Development 04/01/2002
SECY-02-0057 Update to SECY-01-0133, "Fourth Status Report on Study of Risk-Informed Changes to the Technical Requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 (Option 3) and Recommendations on Risk-Informed Changes to 10 CFR 50.46 (ECCS Acceptance Criteria)" 03/29/2002
SECY-02-0056 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 22, 2002 03/28/2002
SECY-02-0051 Annual Paper - NRC Staff Participation in IAEA and NEA Activities 03/22/2002
SECY-02-0049 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 15, 2002 03/20/2002
SECY-02-0046 Proposed Bulletin: "Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Degradation and Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Integrity" 03/18/2002
SECY-02-0044 Annual Status Report for FY 2001 on the Administration of the NRC's Requalification Program and the Results of Initial Operator Licensing Examinations (WITS 198800098) 03/14/2002
SECY-02-0043 Proposed Rule: Geological and Seismological Characteristics for the Siting and Design of Dry Cask Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations and Monitored Retrievable Storage Installations - 10 CFR Part 72 03/13/2002
SECY-02-0042 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 8, 2002 03/14/2002
SECY-02-0041 Status of Accident Sequence Precursor and Spar Model Development Programs 03/08/2002
SECY-02-0040 Status of USNRC Research Conducted by the Russian Research Center (I.V. Kurchatov Institute) and the Russian Academy of Sciences and Proposed Agreements 03/07/2002
SECY-02-0039 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 1, 2002 03/07/2002
SECY-02-0034 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 22, 2002 03/01/2002
SECY-02-0033 Amergen's Request to Consolidate the Clinton Power Station Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) into the Centralized EOF Operated by Exelon Generation Co. 02/27/2002
SECY-02-0032 Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences for Fiscal Year 2001 02/22/2002
SECY-02-0031 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 15, 2002 02/21/2002
SECY-02-0030 Summary Report on NRC's Historical Efforts to Develop and Use Performance Indicators 02/15/2002
SECY-02-0028 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 8, 2002 02/13/2002
SECY-02-0026 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 1, 2002 02/07/2002
SECY-02-0025 Submission of the Annual Freedom of Information Act Report 02/05/2002
SECY-02-0023A Addendum to SECY-02-0023: Proposed Revision to the Enforcement Policy to Include an Interim Policy Regarding Enforcement Discretion for Fitness-For-Duty Issues and Status of Rulemaking Effort 05/23/2002
SECY-02-0023 Proposed Revision to the Enforcement Policy to Include an Interim Policy Regarding Enforcement Discretion for Fitness-For-Duty Issues and Status of Rulemaking Effort 02/01/2002
SECY-02-0022 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 25, 2002 01/31/2002
SECY-02-0021 Final Rule on Revision of the Skin Dose Limit, 10 CFR Part 20 01/30/2002
SECY-02-0019 Annual Report on Court Litigation (Calendar Year 2001) 01/30/2002
SECY-02-0015 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 18, 2002 01/25/2002
SECY-02-0012 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 11, 2002 01/17/2002
SECY-02-0011 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Briefing 02/15/2002
SECY-02-0009 Denial of Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-60-2/60-2a) - the States of Nevada and Minnesota 01/14/2002
SECY-02-0008 Status Report on Developing a Memorandum of Understanding with the US Department of Energy for a Decision Process Regarding Potential Site Transfers under Section 151(b) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act 01/14/2002
SECY-02-0004 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 4, 2002 01/09/2002
SECY-02-0003 Annual Report on Commission Adjudication 01/07/2002
SECY-02-0002 Revision of Gaseous Diffusion Plant Recertification Standard Review Plan Chapter on Foreign Ownership and Financial Requirements 01/02/2002
SECY-02-0001 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 28, 2001 01/02/2002
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012