A New and Improved USA.Gov

USA.gov, the government’s one stop website for government information and easy access to federal agency websites is now more robust through consolidating information from other consumer-focused GSA websites and improving the site’s search function. 

A screenshot of the website USA.gov
Visit the new and improved USA.gov today!

USA.gov gives the American people access to a broad scope of useful topics and government services. Some examples include applying for government jobs, changing your address, shopping government surplus auctions, finding product recalls, applying for grants and financial aid, and accessing government publications. Those are just a few of the many popular services available on USA.gov. You can use the improved directory section on USA.gov, and in one click learn how to contact many government agencies in-person, by mail, by phone, or the web. Additionally, USA.gov’s Spanish language counterpart GobiernoUSA.gov gives the public even more access to valuable government information when, where, and how they want it.

The search function on the website offers a comprehensive search of tens of thousands of federal, state, and local government web pages, giving you quick access to government information. This search functionality was recently named a top government IT innovator by InformationWeek, and it was presented the Government Big Data Solutions Award at the Hadoop World cloud computing and data conference in November.

These improvements are part of the Obama Administration’s Campaign to Cut Waste and .gov Reform Initiative, which includes consolidating and improving government websites and the information they provide. Please visit USA.gov and take a look at all it has to offer today!



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