Remarks at Departure From Beijing Capital International Airport

Robert R. King
Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights Issues 
Beijing, China
March 8, 2012


AMBASSADOR KING: Good afternoon, my name is Robert King, Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights. With me is Jon Brause, the Deputy Assistant Administrator at USAID. We completed our discussions with the delegation of the DPRK about noon today. We had several hours of discussions yesterday. We were able to discuss the modalities of providing humanitarian nutrition assistance to the DPRK. We've had very productive, positive talks. We're on our way back to Washington, where we'll report the results of our discussions tomorrow.

Question: Could you say whether you have finalized your deal?

AMBASSADOR KING: I'm reporting back to Washington.

Question: Are you positive that the state is now going forward?

Ambassador King: I'm reporting back to Washington.

Question: Are you satisfied with your discussions?

Ambassador King: I'm very satisfied with our discussions.

Question: Did you resolve all the administrative issues with the DPRK?

Ambassador King: We resolved the administrative issues that we were concerned with, yes.

Question: Are you confident that the aid's going to go to the people of North Korea who need it?

Ambassador King: That was one of the main concerns of our discussions, yes.

Question: And are you confident that it's going to go to the people who need it?

Ambassador King: Yes.

Question: When will the North Koreans start receiving these supplements?

Ambassador King: We're still working on the details. Not all of those questions have been worked out.

Question: Have you met China’s counterpart this afternoon?

Ambassador King: Yes, I met with Xu Bu this afternoon and we had a very good discussion on all the various issues. Thank you very much for your interest.

QUESTIONS: [inaudible]

Ambassador King: Thank you. Thank you.

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