Afternoon Walkthrough in Beijing, China

Philip S. Goldberg
Coordinator for Implementation of UNSC Resolution 1874 
Westin Hotel
Beijing, China
October 20, 2009


AMBASSADOR GOLDBERG: Good afternoon, everyone. As you know, we spent today, an interagency delegation from Washington, meeting with Chinese officials: first, an interagency meeting at the Foreign Ministry Guest House that was interagency on both sides, followed by a meeting this afternoon with Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei to discuss the implementation of the UN resolutions on North Korea. They were good conversations. We continue to work closely and collaboratively with the Chinese and other members of the Sanctions Committee at the UN and within the five parties of the Six-Party Talks to make sure that this aspect of our cooperation continues.

Our agreement on the way forward is really based in three areas: one is a return to the core principle, the essential element of discussing denuclearization in the Korean Peninsula; second, that this should be achieved through a multilateral framework, the Six-Party framework; and number three, implementation of the resolutions 1874 and 1718, which have been agreed as part of our cooperative efforts to achieve denuclearization and a return to the multi-party framework. So with that, if you have a few questions, please go ahead.

QUESTION: Do you that think China is living up to the spirit of the sanctions against North Korea? Because we just saw Wen Jiabao visit North Korea and I believe he signed some agreements, though we haven’t really seen the details of these agreements.

AMBASSADOR GOLDBERG: Well, I would say that we haven’t seen the details. I would recommend that that is a question better directed to the Chinese government than to me. What we want to do is assure that the resolutions are implemented and on that we’re working closely and cooperatively. We are focused on the nuclear missile and proliferation activities from North Korea, targeting those entities and individuals involved in those programs, and that process continues, all with the overall aim of returning to a multilateral discussion of denuclearization. And that’s where we’re hoping to go.

QUESTION: Were there any discussions on the timing for the return to multilateral discussions, the Six-Party Talks? When would we expect that to happen?

AMBASSADOR GOLDBERG: What we have said and what we have agreed is that we want to return to a multilateral format but that we are ready to also, within that framework, engage bilaterally. We will have announcements when we have announcements on how that’s going and that will come from Washington, not from me.

QUESTION: How are the Chinese implementing the sanctions? Are they really in good faith (inaudible)?

AMBASSADOR GOLDBERG: We are working very cooperatively. We exchange information. They have taken measures as have other members of the Sanctions Committee, which represents the current membership of the Security Council, to implement the resolutions. And so what we need to do is make sure that that continues. What we were able to restate today is that there is a commitment to implementing the sanctions as an essential aspect of our overall goal of returning to the denuclearization discussions. And so on that there is no point of disagreement.

QUESTION: (Inaudible) from the North Korean Foreign Ministry just arrived [in the U.S.] this morning. Did you have any contact with him, meeting him or visit from…?

AMBASSADOR GOLDBERG: I have had no contact with him.

QUESTION: Anything afterwards?

AMBASSADOR GOLDBERG: No. As you know this is an issue that has come up in the press in the last few days – about the issuance of a visa. But again, any contact with North Korean officials on our part will come from Washington, not from me.

Anything else? Thank you very much.


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