Funding for Special   Communities

Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrinology

The Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrinology Research Program supports basic and clinical studies on normal and abnormal function of both the enteric nervous system and the elements within the central nervous system that control the enteric nervous system. Neuroendocrine studies supported include histochemical and neurochemical analyses of the enteric nervous system, electrical properties of enteric ganglia, chemical neurotransmission, neural control of effector function, and extrinsic nervous input. This program places a great deal of emphasis on gastrointestinal hormones and peptides, including their structure, biological actions, structure-activity relationships, receptors, distribution, quantitation, metabolism, release, correlation with physiological events, deficiency, and the role of time variation in the data collected in the above studies. In addition, the program supports studies on disease conditions associated with excessive or inadequate secretion of neuropeptides.

For more information, contact Dr. Jose Serrano, Director; Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrinology Program Director; Gastrointestinal Transport and Absorption Program.

Resources for Researchers

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Page last updated: March 25, 2011

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