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Group Pool (173 items  |  Only members can add to the pool. Join?)

NASA Moonbuggy Race 2009: Moonbuggy Teams (April 4-5, 2009) by nasa1fan
From nasa1fan

NASA Moonbuggy Race 2009: Moonbuggy Teams (April 4-5, 2009) by nasa1fan
From nasa1fan

NASA Moonbuggy Race 2009: Moonbuggy Teams (April 4-5, 2009) by nasa1fan
From nasa1fan

NASA Moonbuggy Race 2009: Moonbuggy Teams (April 4-5, 2009) by nasa1fan
From nasa1fan

NASA Moonbuggy Race 2009: Moonbuggy Teams (April 4-5, 2009) by nasa1fan
From nasa1fan

NASA Moonbuggy Race 2009: Moonbuggy Teams (April 4-5, 2009) by nasa1fan
From nasa1fan

NASA Moonbuggy Race 2009: Moonbuggy Teams (April 4-5, 2009) by nasa1fan
From nasa1fan

NASA Moonbuggy Race 2009: Moonbuggy Teams (April 4-5, 2009) by nasa1fan
From nasa1fan

NASA Moonbuggy Race 2009: Moonbuggy Teams (April 4-5, 2009) by nasa1fan
From nasa1fan

NASA Moonbuggy Race 2009: Moonbuggy Teams (April 4-5, 2009) by nasa1fan
From nasa1fan

NASA Moonbuggy Race 2009: Moonbuggy Teams (April 4-5, 2009) by nasa1fan
From nasa1fan

NASA Moonbuggy Race 2009: Moonbuggy Teams (April 4-5, 2009) by nasa1fan
From nasa1fan

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About NASA's Great Moonbuggy Race

Off-road racing is just so… terrestrial.

Off-world racing is the name of the game at NASA's annual Great Moonbuggy Race. Student teams from around the globe gather in Huntsville, Ala., to propel wheeled lunar rovers of their own design across a simulated moonscape that's like no other race course on Earth.

More than 500 high school, college and university students from 21 states, Puerto Rico, Canada, Germany, India, Mexico and Romania are expected to gather for the 2009 event, to be held April 3-4 at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala.

To get in the spirit, here are some of our favorite images from over the years. Ladies and gentlemen...start your buggies!

You can also keep up on the latest by following the "Buggy Blog:"

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