
Vets groups offer their take on new Afghanistan strategy

Like much of the rest of America, the leading veterans support groups offered a mixed assessment of the new Afghanistan strategy unveiled by the president this week.

But while the 30,000-plus troop surge and July 2011 withdrawal start target drew most of the debate on Capitol Hill, nearly all the veterans groups also focused on what will happen to the returning servicemembers after the fighting is finished -- an issue only briefly referenced by the president in his speech Tuesday night.

Here's a sampling of those opinions:

AMVETS -- "AMVETS' interests have always been in preserving America's interests and holding those who attacked us on 9/11 accountable for their actions. That being said, AMVETS leaders cannot speculate on whether or not the President's plan will succeed, we can only hope that his words are sincere, that our nation's top military advisors have prudently considered the options for success, and that, as a nation, we will consider the needs of these additional 30,000 troops now called to serve long after they have returned from duty."

VFW -- "President Obama set the conditions for success in Afghanistan, and he did it without lowering any bars... The president said the way forward in Afghanistan is to destroy an enemy who attacked us on 9/11 and who continues to carry out attacks around the globe, and he said any eventual troop withdrawal will be based on conditions on the ground."

IAVA -- "As the President lays out his strategy for Afghanistan, the VA health care budget is still late, 61 days and counting. If our leaders in Washington are serious about supporting the troops, Congress must send the VA budget to the President immediately. They must also take long overdue steps to reform the outdated and ineffective VA disability system." -- "The strategy left unanswered too many questions regarding strain on the Armed Forces, and didn't address other issues that would help ensure that the entire mission wouldn't be put on the backs of the troops ... By deploying an additional 30,000 troops, without speeding up the departure from Iraq, our force will remain overstretched. How does the administration reconcile this issue?"

Vets for Freedom -- "President Obama's speech last night announcing additional troops and a robust strategy in Afghanistan is welcome and emboldening news for troops fighting on the front lines ... We are disappointed by the President's mention of a timetable in Afghanistan, however he also said conditions on the ground would be a strong factor in determining the pace and scope of such a drawdown."

American Legion --  "The American Legion is praising President Obama's decision to send more troops to Afghanistan, but is troubled by some reports that the administration might set artificial timelines for withdrawal. The Legion is opposed to any exit strategy that takes place before the mission in Afghanistan is accomplished."

[PHOTO: Associated Press]


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