P2 Week

What is P2 Week?

Pollution Prevention Week begins the third Monday in September.  This week is an opportunity for individuals, businesses, and government to emphasize and highlight their pollution prevention and sustainability activities and achievements, expand current pollution prevention efforts, and commit to new actions.

Pollution Prevention Week is the time when businesses, environmental groups and citizens can join forces for a common cause.  By sharing information about pollution prevention (P2), businesses can become more competitive, businesses and government can realize cost savings, and environmental quality can be enhanced.

P2 Week Toolkit

NPPR prepared a toolkit to assist organizations in their planning and communication for Pollution Prevention Week. This toolkit contains ideas for social media messages, links to websites with information about safe chemicals, sample press releases, recipes for home cleaning and alternative yard care. Through sharing information provided in this toolkit, we hope the general public and others can reduce the use of harmful chemicals and switch to safer chemicals for daily use.

P2 Week Toolkit ( 2014 )

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