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August 28, 2003
FB/SN CRAC Workshop
(updated on January 22, 2004)

January 22, 2004 - Note:  Some of the SN CRAC documents presented at this workshop (including ToolKit Model files) have since been corrected and are now available on the December 18, 2003 LB CRAC Workshop page.

Workshop Materials/Handouts
  1. August 1, 2003 Letter (workshop announcement)
    (PDF, 2 pages, 28 kb, posted August 1, 2003)
  2. August 28, 2003 Presentation Packet
    (PDF, 41 pages, 292 kb, posted in the "Queue" on August 28, posted here on November 18, 2003)
  3. Updated PBL Pro Forma Revenue and Expense Summary FY 2003 (August 18, 2003)
    (PDF, 1 page, 12 kb, posted in the "Queue" on August 20, posted here on November 18, 2003)
  4. Final PBL Generation Accumulated Net Revenue (ANR) Forecast (August 18, 2003)
    (PDF, 3 pages, 38 kb, posted in the "Queue" on August 20, posted here on November 18, 2003)
  5. Updated Net Revenue Crosswalk (August 18, 2003)
    (PDF, 2 pages, 75 kb, posted in the "Queue" on August 28, posted here on November 18, 2003)
  6. Public Comment Summary (August 28, 2003)
    (PDF, 3 pages, 22 kb, posted in the "Queue" on August 28, posted here on November 18, 2003)
Toolkit Model Files (Treasury Payment Probability Calculation):
(Posted in the "Queue" on August 28, posted here on November 18, 2003)

Note: There are a total of 17 MS Excel files (totaling 25 MB) that can be downloaded individually or in compressed packages. The compressed packages of files are available in .ZIP and .EXE (self-extracting) file formats. The .ZIP version requires software (like WinZip) to open. The .EXE version can be opened by double-clicking (no additional software required).

Instructions for Downloading: Create two empty folders (labeled "contingent_calculation" and "variable_calculation") on a local drive. Click on the links below with your right mouse button and select "Save Target As" to download the desired file(s) to either one of these folders. If you download these files individually (rather than as a package), be sure to download the instructions, both input files (RM and TBL) and one or more ToolKit Model (TK) files to the same folder for each calculation.

Contingent Calculation Package
(7 MS Excel files plus PDF Instructions, total expanded size = 10.6 MB)
.ZIP version (2.54 MB) | .EXE version (2.58 MB)

Variable Calculation Package
(10 MS Excel files plus PDF Instructions, total expanded size = 14.4 MB)
.ZIP version (2.84 MB) | .EXE version (2.87 MB)

Individual Files
Contingent Calculation Variable Calculation  

Archive of content originally posted or last updated on:  January 22, 2004.
Content originally provided by:  Michael Normandeau, BPA Power Business Line.
Content provided by:  Greg Gustafson, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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