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Agile Process Synchronization Conference  2012-1 Conference

Mission Command Center of Excellence

Hosted by The Counterinsurgency Center, Fort Leavenworth


Attire for the conference is duty uniform (ACU or service equivalent) or business casual for civilians..


Meals are available at locations listed on the Meals and Lodging slides.


Parking is available close to the BSF, Building 61. When in Lewis and Clark, parking is also available in the area. Expect to walk some distance to get to the events. (See the directions slides)

Event Classification

The primary classification level will be UNCLASS.



The outputs from the FM 3-24 Revision Conference will heavily determine the initial draft of the revised manual. In July this initial draft will be further revised by the writing team in concert with a FORSCOM Red Cell. After this revision the initial draft will go out for service-wide staffing in July. Comments from this initial staffing will be adjudicated in August; culminating in a final draft for staffing in October. Final draft comments will be adjudicated in December. A final approved draft is expected to be available for signature in March 2013.


Revision of FM 3-24 will be collaborative with input from the counterinsurgency community of interest. It will incorporate lessons learned since the publication of FM 3-24 in 2006.  It will include enduring tactics and procedures that must be codified in doctrine and will apply to insurgences globally.

FM 3-24 Revision Conference is the final opportunity for the Counterinsurgency Center to engage the community of interest in real time dialogue and debate of doctrinal inputs and lessons from OIF/OEF, and to resolve issues prior to staffing the initial draft.

Conference Structure

a.  The FM 3-24 Revision Conference will bring individuals from the counterinsurgency community of interest together to provide input into a revised FM 3-24. This conference will not only focus on the chapters of the draft FM, but will also explore major issues that have arisen out of the current FM in light of lessons learned from OIF/OEF. The symposium is scheduled for Marshall Hall, Lewis & Clark Center, and McHugh Training Center, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Tuesday through Friday, 8-11 May 2012. 
b.  The conference consists of panels, workshops, and featured speakers. Panels are composed of two - five presenters, each of whom gives a short talk, and a moderator. Workshops have approximately 30 participants each, a rapporteur to record the minutes, and a moderator that facilitates the discussion. Featured speakers are given an hour for their presentation and time to entertain questions.
c.  Day one (8 May 12) will consist of opening remarks from the Combined Arms Center, the Counterinsurgency Center and three (3) plenary sessions on contentious issues within the counterinsurgency community. Days 2 and 3 (9-10 May) will be focused on the workshops and the revising of the draft chapters. Day 4 (11 May) will consist of closing out the conference and outcome briefings to LTG Perkins and Lt.Gen. Mills.
d. Key leaders that wish to gain general insight on the FM 3-24 revision and issues and perspectives from the greater counterinsurgency community should plan on attending days 1 and 4 (8 and 11 May 2012).

Who Should Attend

In general terms, individuals from the counterinsurgency community of interest, military and civilian.

Attendee Preparation

It is imperative that conference participants are fully conversant in the current version of FM 3-24 and have reviewed the pre-conference version of the draft revsion. It is our intent that due to the nature of the conference, all attendees will be prepared to provide input and feedback.





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